Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Community and Social Benefits Essay Example for Free
Community and Social Benefits Essay The investigation of the reasons by which volunteers involve themselves on specific organizations, and actually stay for a long period of time, or leave groups which they became a part of is the theme of this article. The researcher wanted to provide an explanation that will cover the queries on volunteerism including its effects on the lives of the volunteers, importance in our current society, and the overall impact of these activities in the modern American lives (Strigas, 2006). The general hypothesis of the study is depicted on the title which states that volunteers are offering their free time to specific associations because they believe that such activities will render community and social benefits. The testable and more specific hypothesis, on the other hand, states that volunteers for sport and recreation activities provide their services based on five major motivational factors which include the following: â€Å"social functions for leisure,†â€Å"material,†â€Å"egoistic,†â€Å"purposive factors,†and â€Å"external influences†(Strigas, 2006). In a more formal presentation, the null hypothesis of the study can be presented as ? 1 – ? 2 = 0 where ? 1 comprise the motivational factors of the volunteer that are based on personal needs and interests while ? 2 accounts for the factors that are influenced by social and personal development (Experiment Resources, 2010). In like manner, it can be said that the null hypothesis of the study represents the idea that no relationship exists between personal and societal-based reasons for volunteering. A thorough analysis of the article will reveal that the null hypothesis was actually rejected as shown by the enumeration of evidences that link personal interests of the volunteers and their desire to help the society as some of the factors on why they join various organizations. Furthermore, it was shown that volunteers join organizations because they want to gain self-fulfillment or because they want to win favors from others. The importance of rejecting the null hypothesis (Trochim, 2006) and believing in the original notion that volunteerism is influenced by both personal and societal reasons in order to allow the cohesion of community and society provides framework on the encouragement of volunteerism empowerment in our society today. Consequently, the study emphasizes the importance of testing the hypothesis in order to confirm or disprove the observations of the researcher. Reference Experiment Resources. (2010). The Null hypothesis. Retrieved 03 June 2010, from. http://www. experiment-resources. com Strigas, A. (2006). Research update: making the most of volunteers: a study shows volunteers are giving their time in exchange for community and social benefits. Parks and Recreation. Trochim, W. (2006). Hypotheses. Retrieved 03 June 2010, from http://www. socialresearchmethods. net
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Kant Political Leader :: essays research papers
Kant held that nothing was good in itself except good will. In other words, no action, in and of itself, was either wrong or right. Only the motive of the actor lent the action its morality. If a person acted out of a vested interest (because of a possible consequence) then the act was non-moralâ€â€it had no moral implications whatsoever. But, if a person acted because she thought she was doing the right thing, then she was acting out of good will and the act was a moral act. In Kant’s view, actions have true moral worth only when they spring from a recognition of a duty and a choice to discharge it. For example, using Kantian logic, an advertiser who avoided untruthful advertising because he was afraid of getting caught and fined would not necessarily be acting morally. However, if the advertiser recognized a duty to his constituents to tell the truth, and that is the reason he didn't lie, then the act would be a moral act. Kant defined good will as the uniquely human capacity to act according to one's principles, not out of an expectation of potential consequences. In fact, Kant had learned through the writings of the Italian philosopher and royal counselor, Niccolo Machiavelli, that basing decisions solely on likely consequences could excuse any action, even the most abhorrent. In his famous treatise, The Prince, Machiavelli had proposed that any action taken by a monarch should be based on an assessment of the best outcome for the monarch himself. Under this guideline (which is also known as egoism), actions such as murder could be excused if they are in the best interest of the person making the decision. Like other Enlightenment theorists, Kant believed that human beings were endowed with the ability to reason, and reasoning would logically lead to an understanding of how to construct moral rules to live by. Rational beings would, then, logically abide by the rules they set for themselves. In this, he was in accord with the social contractarians. Rules arrived at in this manner would also become morally obligatory, and Kant saw obligation (or duty) as the overriding determinant of morality. He believed that we would recognize our duty when we saw it because we could reason, and reason would lead us logically to recognition. For Kant, there were two obvious types of duties: perfect duties and imperfect duties.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Research Paper on Illegal Immigration Essay
Illegal immigration has become a huge issue in the United States, it is estimated that there are about twelve million illegal immigrants living in the U. S. today and that number is growing larger every day. This issue has caused multiple social, economic, safety, and law issues within the country. The state and federal government is using billions of dollars on things such as school, welfare, and medical and receiving minimal or no money in return simply because they are giving out the money to illegal immigrants who do not pay taxes to help fund things. Even though illegal immigrants help the economy, take low paying jobs, and improve the overall image of America, the U. S. must not allow any persons who enter this country illegally to stay in this country because, the illegal immigrants create social, economic, safety, and law issues for the country. The United States has a long history of immigration from different countries. People first started immigrating to the U. S. in around the year 1815. â€Å"Between the year 1815 and 1915 it is estimated that thirty million Europeans arrived into the United States†(Willis par. 1). Once people started immigrating to this country is when the problems started to begin regarding illegal immigration. People of the time wanted to get into, and be a part of this country they just did not want to do it the correct way. Charles Willis stated, â€Å"During the large wave of immigration the U. S. limited the number of people allowed to enter the U. S. , and a certain amount from each country. However the door was left open for Mexicans, who even then were desired by employers for their cheap labor. As history would show, this legal immigration led to illegal immigration†(par. ). This is when illegal immigration is believed to have begun. Furthermore, there are more facts in history about illegal immigration taking place. For example, a L. A. Times story from April 1926 noted that many of the ranch workers in California’s Imperial Valley entered the U. S. illegally without paying the fee or passing the literacy test (Gheen par. 6). Because of all the immigration, both legal and illegal, the government needed to do something to be able to control what was going on, therefore between 1882 and 1917 the U. S. government introduced laws regulating immigration. Immigration legal and illegal did not just occur in history, but is a current event in the United States today. Illegal immigration has become a larger problem in modern times than it ever was in the history of this country. It is estimated that there are twelve million total illegal immigrants residing in the United States (Miller 11). It is also estimated that 1 to 1. 5 million immigrants enter the U. S. each year, and of that million 850,000 people are believed to be illegal (Miller 12). All the people entering the country illegally can cause an abundance of problems. There are only a certain number of immigrants allowed into the country each year. All the people coming to the country illegally count as part of that number. The illegal immigrants that come to this country take up spots for immigrants that want to come here the legal way. That is not the only problem they cause either. Illegal immigrants use up government expenditures. According to William Gheen, â€Å"Undocumented workers do not generally pay income taxes but do use schools and government services, they are seen as a drain on government spending†(par. 8). Illegal immigrants also take up jobs that legal citizens of this country may desperately need that job. This country has been going through times where it has been hard for people to find jobs, if illegal immigrants had not taken some of these jobs it would have been easier for the citizens of this country to find a job. Illegal immigration is still a problem in modern times. Even though there are many bad aspects to illegal immigration there are also some positive sides of it. Although illegal immigration has negative aspects, it also has some positive aspects as well. For example, illegal immigrants help the economy. The money that illegal immigrants spend on goods and services in their local communities and around the state, â€Å"reverberates throughout the whole economy, creates more jobs, more spending and more revenue, the economic benefit far outweighs any cost on the fiscal side†(Gheen par. 12). A 2007 study on immigrants in Arkansas found that the total economic impact of Arkansas’ one hundred thousand, fifty one percent undocumented, on the state economy is nearly three billion dollars (Willis par. 5). Texas comptroller study found that the one million four hundred thousand undocumented immigrants living in Texas in 2005 contributed 17. billion dollars to the state economy (Willis par. 5). Illegal immigrants also take low paying jobs. Most Americans do not like to wash dishes, bust tables, and mop floors, but those are jobs that need to be done. Employers always have trouble finding regular employees to do that kind of work, which is also usually low paying. Americans are not willing to work them whereas the illegal immigrants are. When businesses have trouble filling positions of low skill jobs they only have two choices, raise the wage rate high enough to fill jobs or eliminate positions (Gheen par. 4). Businesses must then raise the prices of their items to make up the difference. Higher prices that the customers of those businesses will end up paying for. Illegal immigration also improves the overall image of America. No other country in the world has the diversity of races, religions, and cultures as America does. America brings together all sorts of different people around the world. Diversity in a country brings less prejudice against people and helps to introduce new ideas, perspectives, music, food, entertainment, strengths and skills. Other countries do not have a good image of Americans, allowing them to see all the good things this country has to offer helps Americas overall image (Willis par. 7). There are multiple positive aspects to illegal immigration. Even though there are some positive things about illegal immigration there are still lots of negative aspects as well. Illegal immigration brings lots of problems to this country. Firstly, illegal immigration allows more opportunities for terrorists, drug deals, and criminals to enter the country. When people come into the country illegally police cannot monitor what is being brought into our country. They cannot do a background check to see if any persons who come have criminal records or could pose a potential threat to the country. Illegal immigration is linked to drug smuggling, murder, and other crimes which threaten the safety of Americans. Jim Kouri said, â€Å"In the population study of 55,322 illegal aliens, researchers found that all together they were arrested at least 459,614 times, averaging eight arrests per illegal alien. Nearly all had more than one arrest. Thirty eight percent, about twenty one thousand had between two and five arrests. Thirty two percent, about eighteen thousand, had between six and ten arrests, and twenty six percent, about fifteen thousand, had eleven or more arrests†(par. 11). Illegal immigrants commit multitudes of crimes which make the city or the area they are living in unsafe for the citizens in that city. Secondly, Illegal immigrants consume high amounts of government resources. Most illegal aliens occupy low income employment and are more affected by downturns of the economy, which in turn puts them into welfare services which the government pays for. Undocumented workers do not usually pay income taxes but use government services, these people are seen as a drain in government spending. The government spends one hundred and thirteen billion dollars on outlays for services and benefits for illegal aliens and their families (Morrow 137). Education for children of illegal aliens represents the single largest expenditure at an annual cost of fifty two billion dollars, which is nearly all payed for by the state and local government (Morrow 138). Illegal immigrants also take up low income easy jobs for less skilled Americans. U. S. itizens receive less job opportunities because they have to compete with illegal aliens. The U. S. citizens pay back the government resources they use by paying taxes, whereas the illegal aliens do not refund the government there money. That is another reason the government should not allow any illegal immigrant to stay in this country. The last reason why the government should not allow illegal immigrants to stay in this country is they encourage more illegal aliens to enter the country. Once a couple people are here illegally they will often try to bring their family over to the country as well. It has been said that, â€Å"Immigration has a chain effect, in which people move to the U. S. , acquire legal status and later bring in more family members either legally or illegally†(Miller 18). People entering the country illegally and being allowed to stay here without any repercussions encourages more people to do the same. â€Å"Failure to punish illegal activity encourages more illegal activity, emboldens crimes, breeds public cynicism, and discourages others from obeying laws†(Miller 19). Illegal activity unpunished threatens American values of law and order. Illegal aliens abuse the generosity and compassion of the American people. Illegal immigration brings nothing but bad things to America. The United States government needs to overcome the problem of illegal immigration. Although there are some good aspects to it such as the illegal aliens will take unwanted low paying jobs that Americans will not work, and how diversity and acceptance of different types of people improve the overall image of America the negatives simply outweigh the positives. For example the illegal aliens can bring whatever they want into the country without anyone knowing what they brought or their background which can potentially pose a threat to American Citizens. Illegal immigrants are a drain of government money because they typically do not pay taxes which pays for all the services they use. They take away job opportunities for Americans to have, and by coming into the country it encourages other people to try to sneak into the country illegally. In order to stop illegal immigration from continuing, the government needs to put more people onto border control so they can monitor and stop more illegal aliens from entering our country.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
New Medi New Digital Age - 1254 Words
Living in a new digital age, we are seeing more computerized devices like smartphone and computers replacing old media technologies like newspaper, radio and television. Characteristics of new media as being digital, computerized, interactive and hypersexual have shaped new forms of communication. Meanwhile, the ability of new media to merge different forms of media technologies, industries and services so called convergence has also created unprecedented transformations in the society. In this paper, I argue that new media has contributed to all aspects of the paradigm shift. As it is constantly remediating its predecessors, it shapes new modes of subjectivity and changes the way we perceive knowledge. Although these changes†¦show more content†¦Thus, new media is reproducing itself through different old technologies. Not only new media is remediating its predecessors, it also shapes new modes of subjectivity. Subjectivity means the process of being a subject; it refers to who we are to how we react to the world. The emergence of new media has unprecedentedly change the subjectivity of different things. For example, we are experiencing new forms of textual experiences and representations such as genre, form and consumption. There are new forms of embodiment and identity that change how we perceive ourselves and our bodies. Organization also changes the rules of ownership, control, regulation. These subjectivities are all being reshaped due to the change of our relationship with technologies. The example discussed in lecture is subjectivity related to selfies. Media technologies has created selfies which are these self-portraits taken by phones that gets uploaded to social media. It is a convergence of technology, interaction and body. Selfies become a way to call to the world about who we are and a commanding representation of self. Because the immediacy, ubiquity and ephemerality of the social media, selfies have embodied these characteristics and b ecome instant, common and short-lived. The characteristics of new media is shaping the subjectivity of selfies. Moreover, devices functions are more determinative than aesthetic conventions. Technologies offer people the power to edit selfies. PeopleShow MoreRelatedDescription Of Pediatric Office Patient Forms1705 Words  | 7 Pages Live Date (AMY) URL (AMY) Pediatric Office Patient Forms Important forms for your child’s healthcare The providers at our pediatric office in Plano want you to be informed about the medical care of your child. To help you, we have uploaded digital versions of our important forms and a sum-mary of how they are used.  · Consent for Office Procedures. When your child requires an in-office procedure, we will ask you to sign this documentation to authorize treatment.  · Office Policies. We askRead MoreEmanuel Medical Center Situational Decision Analysis47698 Words  | 191 PagesSTATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK AT ALBANY Emanuel Medical Center Situational Decision Analysis James T. Onisk 4/29/2012 Table of Contents Situational Analysis Appendices External Analysis Appendix A: S.W.O.T. Analysis Appendix B: External Trend/Issue Analysis Appendix C: Environmental Trends/Issues Plot Appendix D: Stakeholder Map Appendix E: Service Area Profile Appendix F: Service Area Structural Analysis Appendix G: Service Area Competitor Analysis Appendix H: Critical Success Factor AnalysisRead MoreEmployee Remuneration13571 Words  | 55 Pages | | |Wages are paid as per the time spent by workers. |Wages are paid as per the output or production given by workers. | |Old/new system: | | |Oldest and simplest method of wage payment. |[pic]Modern and incentive system of wage system. Read MoreIntroduction of Sahara India Pariwar16656 Words  | 67 Pagesin the northern state of Uttar Pradesh as a small deposits Para-banking business. Today, the group has diversified into a giant business conglomerate with interests in housing, entertainment, media and aviation. Sahara Group is in entertainment and news television channels, a newspaper, and claims to own some 33,000 acres of real estate across India. It also sponsors the Indian cricket and hockey teams and intends to move into life insurance, housing finance, consumer products, sportswear, and healthcareRead MoreHsc General Math Textbook with Answers153542 Words  | 615 PagesG K Powers CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, Sà £o Paulo, Delhi, Dubai, Tokyo, Mexico City Cambridge University Press 477 Williamstown Road, Port Melbourne, VIC 3207, Australia Information on this title:  © The Powers Family Trust 2010 This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any
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