Thursday, August 27, 2020
Crooks Diary Entry Of mice and Men Essay Example
Hooligans Diary Entry Of mice and Men Paper Goodness god. So much happened today; I dont recollect the last time I had such a great amount to manage in one night. I only sittin around, workin in my room, appreciating the harmony and very of the night when I heard somebody at the entryway. It was Lennie, the new large person, askin about his damn puppies. What does he figure hes doing? Upsetting me from my day by day schedules. Be that as it may, I was feelin really desolate at that point, so I let him in. He came in and began talkin about his moronic hares and how hes going to have his very own farm with George, his little companion. Ha! What is this? Some sortta of joke? They dont even have the cash for it! Gosh hes such a numbskull, coming to somebody like me around evening time and simply yaking session how hes going to achieve is dream and pet hares. Hes nuts. Acts like hes a 5-year old child or somethin. In any case, at that point, the most bizarre thing occurred, I had another guest. It was the old swamper. In any event it was somebody who has to some degree a mind. Said to me that it must be ideal to have the entire space to myself. In the event that lone he would comprehend what I want to have; Id preferably be in a room squeezed with 20 individuals over confronting 4 white dividers each night! We will compose a custom paper test on Crooks Diary Entry Of mice and Men explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on Crooks Diary Entry Of mice and Men explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Crooks Diary Entry Of mice and Men explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Candy proceeded to state that he was a piece of Lennie and Georges meandered aimlessly about the fact that they are so near really succeeding, similar to it was truly going to occur. I couldnt accept the huge person was talking reality from the start! I cannot prevent myself from intuition, if these two individuals can converse with me like Im someone, living with them on their farm my bend my destiny, I will never again be segregated! Out of nowhere, the way that my future could change into something better, something to anticipate, truly made me energized. Pictures of what I can achieve flushed into my psyche, The idea of managing less of what I manage now is simply invigorating! At the point when Candy discussed having their own territory and living without the concern of losing a spot to live, food to eat, and really possessing property, my heart took off, that would truly be a good thought, my life truly could change! I cannot quit pondering it, how Lennie and George are so near accomplishing their objective, mine strength be conceivable as well! I could have on the off chance that I had my own territory, I may gain more than what I procure now, even raise a family, I could be a father thus much prospects. Curleys spouse showed up at my front entryway, the one that has huge amounts of cosmetics all over, which carried us three men to stun, I dont recall the last time this room was so packed! What inconvenience does she need now? With her here, I could envision the most exceedingly awful occurring, us three being sacked from our occupations, is that what she needs nowI feel that in one manner, me and Curleys spouse share for all intents and purpose is having nobody to speak with. Yet, she truly annoyed me when she utilized her situation in the farm to compromise my activity, that was not what I would do on the off chance that I needed to coexist with somebody or discover somebody to converse with. It was her flaw for not accepting that Curley didn't stall out into the machine, what have I done to merit those words that came out from her mouth? Who she call a nigger? That mean bitch that had no companions, she overlooked that she was in my room, what she doing coming in so late to a keeps an eye on room, needing to push every one of us into difficulty? Why cant she simply stay out of other people's affairs and leave every one of us to our tranquility? Yet, Im happy she reminded me, I nearly overlooked my idenity, who I am as a dark, how might I have even uncovered the idea of finding some useful task to fulfill outside? I completely disregarded myself and how these white individuals treat me, how might I live with them, we are from various universes, we can't live respectively in harmony, it will never occur. Beneficial thing I disclosed to Lennie that I have altered my perspective to being a piece of their territory, god comprehends what may occur on the off chance that I truly went to begin another existence with them! Today around evening time was such a peculiar night, how could everybody be out of nowhere by surprise and conversed with me like I was someone to them, I havent had organization for an extremely prolonged stretch of time and Ive truly missed it a ton. I truly need somebody to converse with ,to have the option to hear me out talk, I truly accept that being distant from everyone else for so long would truly make me insane by one way or another. The longing I have for a buddy is driving me near being frantic! In any case, I won't disregard my pride and who I am as an individual of color.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Culture and Gender Relations free essay sample
This paper is an anthropological investigation of gendered sex jobs in a few societies. This paper inspects the jobs of guys and females in a few societies. The creator centers fundamentally around the communication between the sexes as far as sex, marriage, and generation. The paper additionally takes a gander at the genders as for accounts, familial dynamic, and generally force and impact. Sexual orientation relations are most effectively portrayed through an interpretive investigation of generation, creation, force, and sex philosophies. These four parts of the liking among people in different societies adequately delineate the social orders recognitions and understandings of each of the genders. In this way, how each sex shows their center of convictions and additionally information is reliant upon these view of their job and commitment to society. Through the utilization of at least one of these measurements, each culture characterizes sex connection. Albeit one society may depend all the more intensely on a specific part to give meaning of qualification between sexual orientation, anthropologists and sociologists have discovered various similitudes between the employments of these measurements as a device of definition in divergent societies. We will compose a custom article test on Culture and Gender Relations or then again any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page
Friday, August 21, 2020
Cause of Financial Crisis and Impact of the Financial Crisis on Financ
Questions: Subprime contract emergency is a case of a budgetary emergency that influenced worldwide markets around the world. Give another case of a money related emergency in your conversations underneath. 1. Talk about the potential reasons for the money related emergency. 2. Examine the effect of the budgetary emergency on money related organizations and organizations somewhere else including your own nation. 3. Clarify how the budgetary emergency influenced the economies of various nations. Answers: 1. The potential reasons for the monetary emergency are as per the following: (a) Leverage position:the high influence position can make extraordinary issues of the monetary emergency. Satisfactory capital needs should be set up so as to control the influence position and in this manner the money related use and along these lines can prompt issue of bank run. (b) Level of liquidity: a legitimate equalization should be kept up in the liquidity position of the loaning and getting. The confuses like acquiring for extensive stretch and loaning for brief period can make different issues of budgetary emergency. (c) Problem of supportability: this gives the size of the firm can likewise have an antagonistic impact. The huge size of firm accommodates the economies of the scale yet the firm should continue in the market and for that it needs to enhance, decentralize and subsequently keep up overabundance supports. (d) Taxes and endowments in the economy: the degree of tax collection is greatly affecting the expense of the capital and the progression of the capital. A legitimate administration should be done with respect to the tax assessment framework and the degree of sponsorships so the degree of hypothesis in the economy can be controlled. The endowments ought to be wiped out on the obligation based financing framework. (e) Governance: Democratic administration is fundamental for controlling the monetary emergency. As the degree of cash gracefully will be in a controlled circumstance. In this way the non majority rule administration can be an exceptionally large reason if the money related emergency and can prompt issue of downturn. The above makes lead different budgetary emergencies, for example, Bank run Securities exchange crash Money emergency Sovereign default Downturn Discouragement 2. The lodging market was significantly influenced in the United States by the issue of monetary emergency as there were many property holders who took up subprime advances yet they couldn't meet the home loan reimbursements that were required to be settled on according to the understandings. The estimation of the homes reduced because of the procedure of the money related emergency and in this manner they came to the circumstance of the negative value. There was where enormous number of proprietors defaulted in the installment of the portions subsequently the bank repossessed those houses however the bank endured misfortunes as the market estimation of the bank had lessened in understanding to their unique costs. Therefore bank went under a circumstance of liquidity emergency which is known as credit crunch. The employments in the money related administrations have been emphatically influenced by the budgetary emergency. In the United Kingdom, the home loan industry endured extraordinary misfortune as it had lost 15% of the individuals between the beginning of the credit mash between the Period August 2007 and mid-2008. The home loan representatives are likewise underestimated by banks in the United States. There was an incredible eliminated of positions from different parts, for example, banks, guarantors and assets. There were noteworthy misfortunes of occupations in the money related segment. There was a decrease in the degree of movement of the money related area and the degree of business had likewise declined. There is an extraordinary stagnation and deceleration in the degree of the development of the pay in the division. An incredible issue of rebuilding was found inside the monetary organizations. 3. The monetary emergency have influenced, as it were, to many creating nations. The high economies have experienced the issue of downturn. The money related emergency came as a storm in the creating scene. (a) The monetary organizations in the creating nations are influenced, all things considered, by the issue of subprime contracts. The banks of the creating nations are not having powerless connections with the worldwide banks. As in china the legislature is controlling the money related segment consequently china is having constrained presentation to the subprime home loans of United States. (b) The budgetary emergency had prompted decrease in the fare profit of the creating nations. The universal money related store had expected that the development on the planet exchange will decrease in the period 2006-2009 from 9.4% to 2.1%. The creating nations have encountered the decrease in the costs of the different wares, request of merchandise has declined, and level of the travel industry in the nations had likewise declined. (c) The worldwide budgetary emergency went to the circumstance where the World Bank and the IMF estimates that development in the creating nations had eased back down from the degree of 4.5% to 3.3%. (d) The universal work association additionally reached the resolution that the degree of joblessness on the planet would ascend by around 20 million on the planet. (e) The United States is influenced by an extraordinary degree by the monetary emergency. Different enterprises are unequivocally influenced, for example, banking, land, and the development related ventures. It had endured issue of incredible downturn and the downturn. (f) The worldwide exchanging business sector of the underdeveloped nations is firmly influenced by the budgetary emergency. The costs if different items have firmly declined. (g) The money related emergency had additionally unfavorably influenced the speculation by banks and the administrations in the underdeveloped nations. Along these lines this had prompted decrease in the degree of employments and consequently less of cash is accessible to put resources into the economy and the organizations. (h) The creating nations are influenced by an extraordinary degree. In any case, the degree of effect relies on different calculates, for example, joining the money related markets, reliance of the economies on the outside speculation, and the reliance of the creating nations on the created nations so as to get help, exchange and settlements. (I) The money related emergency had additionally influenced the degree of the day to day environments of the populace. The low pay nations are likewise unfavorably influenced as the degree of destitution as the decrease in the development of 1% in salary will prompt constraining an around 20 million individuals in the circumstance of the outright property. Along these lines it had made a circumstance of social distress in different nations. Reference: John Fullerton Dr. Sally Goerner, 2010, The Six Root Causes of the Financial Crisis. Global Labor Office, Geneva, 2009, Impact of the Financial Crisis on Finance Sector Workers. The Financial and Economic Crisis and Developing Countries.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
What You Must Know About Writing Reseach Paper
What You Must Know About Writing Reseach Paper If you're fighting to finish your PhD paper, but you would like to get the. Research Paper isn't a task for a single day. A research paper is generally the very first step for students to acquire funding for their project, so it's vital to create a thoughtful and deep paper. So, first of all, a college research paper has to be informative. You may end up getting the worst results in the long run. There's no need to italicize a college paper title on the most important page. In case you have any questions, you can get in touch with our friendly support team night and day and get immediate assistance. Teen self help is about learning how to deal with the troubling emotions which are so new and can occasionally overwhelm you and seem as though they might just add to the close of the world. There are many research paper samples readily available online. Employing proposal examples is a superb means to learn from somebody else's experience and make an outstanding powerful proposal. The research incorporates the outcomes of several interviews that were held in the shape of conversation so as to establish a high degree of confidence between the researcher and the respondent. Qualitative research is a powerful approach to comprehend and learn more about the meaning ascribed to a specific issue. Frequently, a distinction between both research types is framed with respect to using close-end questions as opposed to the open-ended ones or using words rather than numbers. The ability of the study should be increased by obtaining a bigger sample size. When you compose a research paper you build upon what you know about the topic and make a deliberate attempt to learn what experts know. For example, a master level research paper demands an expert with no less than a master or Ph.D. degree. Thus, a requirement to finish a clinical dissertation was included as a member of. Every scientific paper has to have a self-explanatory title. Generally the thesis statement appears as the previous sentence or a couple of the very first, introductory paragraph. Sentence structure determines the position of the parentheses. Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Writing Reseach Paper Read our article to look at the strategies and refresh your head about the general rules and soon you are go ing to learn how to compose a research paper of the greatest quality! The practice of selecting excellent research paper topics is a significant commitment. Whether you do an easy research or a complicated one for a larger project, a research outline can help you have the best outcomes. The primary purpose of example research papers is to assist students learn to develop their own assignment and to comprehend how a paper is structured. Most university courses involve some kind of extended writing assignment, normally in the kind of a research paper. Students may always get guidance about how to create great topics on the web. Generally, they don't like writing research papers, especially if they are quite long. The student hasn't yet completed the overall examination and no other faculty. As previously noted, the standard of your topic shapes the standard of your topic. Explain the goal of your paper and the way you intend to approach the topic. To reach such directedness, it is necessary to limit your topic. It's also important to pick a topic that's interesting for you. You should start out with introduction. Based on your data and the subject of your assignment, you should make an outline. An excellent thesis statement will accomplish exactly the same thing. When you get a generic instance of introduction in research paper, for example, you might not have to pay much.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Analysis Of King Louis Xvi And The Royal Family - 963 Words
On June 21, 1791 King Louis XVI and the royal family left the city of Paris in an attempt to escape the city’s turmoil, and the King’s Jacobin enemies. The King, his wife Marie Antoinette, their two children, the king’s sister, and a governess, began their escape east towards the Austrian border. The escape party managed to make it to Sainte-Menehould, just a couple hours away from the border, before the relay stables manager Drouet recognized them. Drouet followed the party until they stopped to just outside of the town of Varennes. Drouet continued on to Varennes to inform members of the town’s national guard that he had spotted the monarch. After a brief period of disbelief, the guardsmen left to retrieve a couple town councilmen, and Drouet went to delay the royal family until a town leader had arrived. When the escape party arrived in Varennes, the town manager, Jean-Baptiste Sauce met the carriages and asked for their travel papers. Although the pass enger’s papers appeared in order, some were skeptical, and the escape party was told that they would have to wait until the morning for their paperwork to be properly inspected. Only a short while later Louis admitted his real identity claiming that he was forced to leave Paris because the Jacobins had taken over the city and that he was not trying to flee France, but get to Montmà ©dy. Although the town leaders initially agreed to help the king to Montmà ©dy, they began to have second thoughts. These second thoughts stemmedShow MoreRelatedMarie Antoinette s Influence On France2025 Words  | 9 PagesFrance, causing an outrage since she was an outsider.. Many events were blamed on her which had a huge impact on France. Many opposed her due to her poor leadership skills and lack of interest in the people. Marie Antoinette, along with her husband Louis XVI, came into power at a difficult time. France was in debt and revolutions were rising. Unfortunately, Marie Antoinette lacked the leadership and confidence necessary to rule. The time period of her rule was during the Enlightenment in the late 1700’sRead MoreEssay on Jaques Louis David1898 Words  | 8 Pages1. Introduction Set on a stage of revolution and Enlightenment, the Neo-Classical period presents a broad and interesting topic. Jacques Louis David was the first political painter, and a true revolutionary, but one cannot disengage his art work from the social and political systems of the period. Therefore, this essay will present an overview of the social context and systems of Pre Revolution France, Neoclassicism and how David’s work was influenced by it and how his work influenced it. AlsoRead MoreThe Mutapa State8269 Words  | 34 Pagesmaintaining political power. Parallels can be drawn from contemporary European political systems that were bound together by a shared religion. In these states, the political power of the rulers was reinforced by religious doctrines that claimed that kings had a divine right to rule and was therefore not accountable to their subjects and should not be forcibly removed from their positions. There is a general consensus among historians that cattle ownership played a significant role in the rise of theRead MoreThe Relationship Between Revolution, State Reform, And Industrialization2739 Words  | 11 PagesThere was later American, Haitian, Brazilian, and Mexican independence. For the Haitian Revolution, a slave revolt broke out and was led by a man named Toussaint L’Ouverture. Mexico became independent due to Napoleon invading Spain and weakening the royal control of the colonies and the independence movement led by Simà ³n Bolivar. Pedro the King’s son agreed to an independent Brazil. Industrialization began through new inventions and use of material. Coal replaced the use of wood. 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Judges, â€Å"The Idea of a Mercantile State,†Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 4th ser., 21 (1939): 41–69 (quotation, 42). 8 william and mary quarterly and whatever their ultimate aims, deal in particular contexts with particular problems.†9 Despite his powerful arguments, Coleman had to concedeRead MoreInternational Management67196 Words  | 269 PagesManaging Developmental Editor: Laura Hurst Spell Developmental Editor: Jane Beck Associate Marketing Manager: Jaime Halteman Project Manager: Erin Melloy Buyer: Kara Kudronowicz Design Coordinator: Margarite Reynolds Cover Designer: Studio Montage, St. Louis, Missouri Cover Images: Top to bottom,  © Mark Downey/Getty Images; Jacobs Stock Photography/Getty Images;  © Goodshoot/PunchStock Media Project Manager: Balaji Sundararaman Compositor: Aptara ®, Inc. Typeface: 10/12 Times Roman Printer: Quad/GraphicsRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words  | 1056 PagesHRM 28 PART 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 THE LEGAL AND ETHICAL CONTEXT OF HRM Equal Employment Opportunity 56 Employee Rights and Discipline 84 PART 3 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 STAFFING THE ORGANIZATION Human Resource Planning and Job Analysis 110 Recruiting 132 Foundations of Selection 154 PART 4 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Socializing, Orienting, and Developing Employees 182 Managing Careers 208 PART 5 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 MAINTAINING
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Social Media and its Influence on our Youth Essay
The correlation between the development of youth and social media has become blatant. Although few of the consequences are favorable, the majority have displayed a negative impact. The drive social media can implement on youth is exceptional. The pressure and strain social media can place on our youth is an enduring force which leads individuals to question themselves as a person and feel inclined to fit a norm expressed in media and social media of our society. The underlying force social media can play in the lives of the youth is astonishing and is a force that must be dealt with and controlled, for it not only holds the power to give an individual strength, but also to break them down. Social media is described as content created and†¦show more content†¦There are many different social networking sites out there, with many different purposes and means of expression, but they all have one thing in common. They all let you â€Å"follow†people and friends. Some of the more frequently used ones are: Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, and Tumblr. Facebook, as of April 2012, has more than 900 million active users (Wikipedia, Facebook, 2012). It allows you to create a profile that only has one layout. You can add friends, and other people, and also â€Å"like†a vast amount of fan pages and join all varieties of groups. Facebook has a newsfeed that allows you to see all of your friends post or â€Å"status†and permits you to comment and/or them as well. Twitter is an online social networking service and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read text-based posts of up to 140 characters, known as tweets (Wikipedia, Twitter, 2012 ). You can follow your friends, and â€Å"re-tweet†â€â€the act of resending a tweet from someone you are followingâ€â€any tweets they write. Myspace, although not as popular as it once was, is a social networking where you create your own profile layout using html commands and simple text and links; you can add music and tons of designs to your profile page. You are permitted to add your friends, people you know, people you don’t know and bands or musicians you may like. Tumblr is more of a blog site that lets theirShow MoreRelatedMedia Influences our Children1181 Words  | 5 PagesMedia Effect on Today’s Youth Media plays a strong hand in the development of a child in society. Youth are easily influenced and could think actions of unsavory morals are appropriate because it was in media. This is a major problem today as the news make reports of children intentionally committing crimes as big as murder. Children are experimenting with drugs and alcohol at an earlier age and there is even a show dedicated to teen moms on MTV. Of course, media is not the only force at fault hereRead MoreThe Media s Role Into The Lives Of Our American Youth1405 Words  | 6 Pagespeople involved with medias does too. Mass media, social media, news papers and so on and so forth all play heavy roles in how we as a society live and interact with each other on a daily basis. According to oxford dictionaries media is defined as the main means of mass communication (especially television, radio newspapers and the internet). A facet of social media that people all over the world see is television. To get the latest news whether its political, local or even social, millions of peopleRead MoreThe Changing Face Of Political Campaigns1025 Words  | 5 PagesThe media is everywhere. In our computers. In our phones. In our radios. Just around the corner waiting in a newspaper stand and flashing bright colors across our TVs. It seems like there is something being reported continuously every day. News and information are only a few taps away; unlimited knowledge now sits in almost anyone’s back pocket. All these new forms of media are changing everything. Political campaigns are not something we typically think about. To most people above the age of 18Read More‚Äà ºMass Media (Television, the Internet, Advertising) Influence Youth Too Much Nowadays.‚Äà ¹ to What Extent Is This True?794 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"Mass media (television, the internet, advertising) influence youth too much nowadays.†To what extent is this true? In the recent years, the prevalence of mass media has been undeniable. All over the world, youths have access to mass media through their smartphones, television sets and computers. In such a media-driven world, it is no surprise that mass media has come to play a substantial role in the attitudes and mindsets of youth. To a large extent, mass media does have the power to influenceRead MoreBad Influence of Mass Media on Kids1499 Words  | 6 Pageslonger hours at work and fewer hours with their children. As a result, outside influences have greater access and influence over our children than ever before. The internet and the media are bringing the outside world into your home; your childs peers; the influences on children from movies and the music they listen to are growing in importance and influence every day, the negative effects of television violence to children, negative Read MoreMass Media And Its Impact On S ociety1306 Words  | 6 Pagestechnologies which influenced our lives is mass media. Mass media is a means of communication that reach number of people in a short time. Mass media includes television, newspaper, magazine, radio and Internet (Nariman,2011) . It is a large pool of information from where every type of information can be extracted and is widening more and more. Mass media influences the society especially the younger generation and shape their opinions and decisions. The study of the impacts of mass media requires a great understandingRead MoreOvercome Social Problem Among Youth1157 Words  | 5 PagesOVERCOME SOCIAL PROBLEM AMONG YOUTHS Malaysia is categorized as third world country and has received rapid growth in socioeconomic and advance technologies. The globalization makes the world become smaller and all the information could be obtained easily by clicking on the computers. World without any barrier allows cultures from other countries influence the Malaysian especially the youths. There are good and bad cultures. The social problems emerged due to bad cultures from other countries.Read MoreOvercome Social Problem Among Youth1151 Words  | 5 PagesOVERCOME SOCIAL PROBLEM AMONG YOUTHS Malaysia is categorized as third world country and has received rapid growth in socioeconomic and advance technologies. The globalization makes the world become smaller and all the information could be obtained easily by clicking on the computers. World without any barrier allows cultures from other countries influence the Malaysian especially the youths. There are good and bad cultures. The social problems emerged due to bad cultures from other countries. CulturesRead MoreInfluence Of Mass Media Essay1178 Words  | 5 Pagesbig of a role does mass media play on societies everyday lives? Communities often conform to one another and follow in the path of their peers. Media affects this by revealing new trends and showing a better way to perform at certain tasks. From the way consumers shop to the new style or fad going around media affects it all. Mass media especially affects the youth and teen because, their minds are much more vulnerable to what the see on TV, social media, and magazine. Media will even degrade womenRead MoreFacebook Is A Negative Influence On Our Youth962 Words  | 4 PagesFacebook is a negative influence on our youth because it takes away privacy, creates exposure to circumstances or thought’s above their age, and has an influence of negative socializing practices. Our youth’s minds are easily influenced and what they perceive becomes the norm for them throughout their life, making it difficult to change that mindset later in life. Facebook is a non-privacy site that allows anyone to be able to see a page and in many cases private aspects of life posted to Facebook
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Corporation Law Article of Association
Questions: 1. Explain what is meant by an entrenched provision and why David in your case study may want to have such provisions included in the companys constitution. In answering your question please refer to the relevant provisions of the Corporations Act.2.What type of authority do you think (if any) Michelle has to order the amount of stationery and the i pad. In your opinion do you think the company is bound to pay Office works or not? Answers: 1. An entrenched clause or entrenchment clause of a basic law or constitution can be defined as the provision, which undertakes certain amendments, becomes either more difficult or inadmissible. As per the Corporation act 2001, the articles might contain several kinds of provision for entrenchment to the extent which is the specified provision of the articles and may be changed only on the conditions that are more restrictive that those applicable unless a special resolution are met or complied with. The recognition of entrenchment provision in the Article of Association of a company is to apply additional degree of legal safeguards. It is worth mentioning that there is certain type of alterations, which is either not easy or burdensome (Stoutet al. 2016). Under the given case study, David may want to have such entrenchment clause added to the constitution of his company on the grounds that he can manage the affairs of the company. On the application of the entrenchment clause the article may contain the provisions for entrenchment to such an effect that each of the specified provisions of the articles can be changedbased on the conditions and procedure, which is more restrictive than those applicable are (Kershaw 2012). It is noteworthy to denote that new act does not take any responsibility of defining the term entrenchment neither does it provides an explanation for recognition of entrenchment clause. Any such amend amends made in the new clause would take into the consideration the addition of new clauses in the article. As mentioned in the case study the company would be requiring a loan of $100,000 but without the approval of David, it is not possible to approve the loan. Under Section 23 of the Corporation Act 2001 states that private agreement between shareholders would not bind the company unless the articles of association of the company provided such restrictions. The articles of association represent the constitutional document of the company and any such changes made to the specified clauses of articles of association may require additional number of conditions to be fulfilled which is referred as entrenchment clauses(Dhar 2012). Under the given case study of David, the entrenchment provision would however need to comply with the memorandum of association of the company and be in accordance with the Corporation Act 2001. Hence, any entrenchment clause, which against the provisions of the company law or memorandum off association such provisions, would be declared as void and unenforceable. U nder division 3 of the Corporation Act 2001 It is noteworthy to denote that any such clause in the articles of associations which grants special rights in relation to the terms of voting to a minority group which is against the wisdom of shareholder is valid (Hanrahan, Ramsay and Stapledon2013). The entrenchment provision introduced by David should would provide for amendments to the articles of association of the companys document. 2. A receptionist is an employee who undertakes an office or administrative support position. The areas of work for receptionist usually cover waiting area or front office desk of an organisation or any business. Under the given case, study Michelle who is a part time receptionistis attributed with the responsibility of helping out in the execution of office work. About the order made by Tom, Michelle gives orders for the purchase of stationary and I pad for work. The receptionist is usually bound to cover the areas of work in order to assist the business they work for which includes keeping and filing records and other office related task necessary to keep business activities moving (Stout et al. 2016). It is noteworthy to denote that business expenses are those expenses that are required to be paid to run the business. Hence, under the given case study, the company is bound to pay for the office works since it is necessary to run the business with the items required for executing t he business activities. However, such business expenses incurred may be deductive or non-deductive. The purchase of office stationary and i pad are generally considered as business deductible expenses which is entirely and wholly incurred in the production of business income. It should be noted that expenses incurred are not depended upon the event that might or might not occur in the future course of event. The lawful liability to pay the expenses must have been occurred in context to the business expenses irrespective of the date of actual payment of money. To be deductible, a business expenses must be in nature of ordinary and necessary (Goulding 2013). An ordinary expenses is one that is commonly accepted in the trade or business while necessary expenses is the one that is helpful and appropriate in the current case study. Thus, the expenses do not have to be indispensible to be considered as necessary. It is the obligation of the company under the given case to pay for the office cost incurred in due course of business. Reference List: Dhar, K., 2012. Articles of Association and Alteration of Articles.Available at SSRN 2014347. Goulding, S., 2013.Principles of company law. Routledge. Hannigan, B., 2015.Company law. Oxford University Press, USA. Hanrahan, P.F., Ramsay, I. and Stapledon, G.P., 2013. Commercial applications of company law.COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS OF COMPANY LAW, CCH Australia Ltd,. Kershaw, D., 2012.Company law in context: Text and materials. Oxford University Press. Stout, L.A., Rob, J.P., Ireland, P., Deakin, S., Greenfield, K., Johnston, A., Schepel, H., Blair, M.M., Talbot, L.E., Dignam, A.J. and Dine, J., 2016. The Modern Corporation Statement on Company Law.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder Essays - DraftHolzner, Anton
In our daily life we pass by many things, sometimes we give them attention by observing then in a way that our minds are set to and sometimes we don?t even bother to look. We might see and find the beauty in these things using the ways of knowledge such as reason, emotion and languages. When I think of these things I come to conclusion that they must belong to a certain area of knowledge such as science, religion, arts and mathematics. However in order to examine these things we need the ways of knowledge, so after all the areas of knowledge depends on the ways of knowledge. Most of the times it turns out that not every person on earth looks at the things as others do. As it is said in the claim ?we see and understand things not as they are but as we are?. I believe there is more than one vision for each thing. As it is said ?Beauty is in the eye of the beholder?. On the other side when it comes to maths there is always an answer that we are certain off which we can?t disregard and we can?t argue about such as 5+5=10, it is well known that the result is 10 to everyone and no one can come up with a different answer, which means that we see things as they are. But when it is about the methods we used to reach the theories which might differ from one person to another, allowing the person to think of theories as what he is not as others. When I want to do bunji jumping I Choose to experience it because to me I think that it is not a risky thing to do, while to many other people it might look to them as the most dangerous experience of life. So in that case I would be following my emotions about this certain things and destroy the doubts of others. A way of knowledge is the reason by which we observe and look at all things. For example in the area of the knowledge , we sometimes look at the art work and try to understand it the way the artist expl ained it but deep inside what really matters is the first impression about it weather it?s good or not and we try to think of it as it appears in front of our eyes. In addition to that we can use our emotions to look at the painting and understand it, what does it mean to us? What do you feel about the colours? For example when I look at a painting where it is full of blue colors I would feel extremely lonely and as a result I will feel the anger in the painting. On the other side the artist might have used the color blue to portray the feel of peacefulness. So it is our emotions that help us to understand the world in a different way than others. My mood can play a major role in understanding the painting because when I am in a good mood I would see the colors in a cheerful way while I am in a bad mood I would see them as outrageous thing which will somehow effect my opinion in the paining .In conclusion my feelings and my mood can greatly effect my opinion about the painting.Our culture can play a great role in our understanding of the painting and in the way we see this painting, for example I am a girl who lives in a preservative family where my parents have taught me not to look at nude painting. So when I look at a nude painting I would find it very interesting no matter how bad the artist was because I have never seen a naked body before, so for me the idea of such a painting draws my attention to the max, so my judgment on the painting would differ from the judgment of others. The language can also affect my opinion a painting be cause the way that I communicate with others in order to understand their ideas can be effective, for example I can never understand what
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
The New Deal vs. Progressive E essays
The New Deal vs. Progressive E essays The accomplishments taken place upon the onset of the many New Deal legislations owe much to the seeds implanted and unknowingly disseminated by the pre-WWI Progressive movement. Sparked by the new image as a world power, industrialization, and immigration at the dawn of the new century, a new found reform movement gripped the nation. With the new found image of the nation and world as a whole, the reforms advanced the position of the previously ignored people of the nation, as did its reincarnation and rebirth apparent in the New Deal. Although the first signs of this pristine Progressive movement shone since the mid-1800s, no one had cleared the way for its momentous effect upon the nation in the same degree as Theodore Roosevelt. Although at times hot-tempered and brash, his charismatic attitude pushed forward many of the original progressive legislations. For example, his Sherman Anti-Trust Act proposed the life of a trust should be based on its history and actions, since he believed good trusts existed along with bad ones. Next, the Elkins Act proposed railroads and shippers to offer rebates illegal. They also had to have fixed rates, and couldnt change without notice. Also, the Hepburn Act gave ICC the power to set maximum railroad rates. Next, of course because of the impetus for reform provided by the many socialist writers, such as Upton Sinclair, was the landmark Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act, protecting the health and safety of consumable products and establishing the Food and Drug Administration. He also wished to preserve the untainted countryside, and established the National Forest Service and also strengthened the Forest Bureau. He also passed the Newlands Act which helped to create subsidies for irrigation in 16 western states. The actions taken by Theodore Roosevelt proved to throw the Progressive movement into the mainstream of the nation, showing its true, inge...
Monday, February 24, 2020
Assigement Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Assigement - Coursework Example Likewise, there are people who are either physically handicapped or they simply have a low IQ and so they are unable to find employment. One should understand and appreciate the effort made by these people to find employment and not remain dependent on their friends, families or the government. For such people even minor raises in salary or wages is a source of motivation. An amount which is nothing for the affluent can be a source of some nutritious food, better education and rent for a small home. Also, when these people have more money they buy more goods while benefitting the economy. Opponents of the minimum wage policy argue that people who work on minimum wages often work part-time and live in families with more than one bread-winner hence the household wealth does not change much as a result of a change in the minimum wage policy. Even if this is true one can think about why the minimum wage employees work part-time. They do so because they get paid less to do work and hence they have to work harder at more than one job. If the minimum wage policy makes minimum wage higher then workers will become likely to work full-time because doing so will help them save time and transportation cost. Businesses are the entities that pay minimum wage to those employees who are the least capable, and unskilled. Some businesses are large while others are small. For small businesses the minimum wage policy can prove to be a burden. The cost of production can increase and consequently employees might have to be laid off. Moreover, when people will be laid off their consumption of goods will fall hence harming the entire economy. However, arguing against minimum wage policy is not going to help. If costs are increasing it is best to seek help from family members. An example of this is farming done in developing countries like India and Pakistan where a farmer is helped by his wife and occasionally by children to reduce expenses. Minimum wage raises can result in less abse nteeism, greater employee morale, and lower frequency of workers turnover. As a result, training costs are reduced and employee productivity rises (Card and Krueger). Moreover, higher wages attract more of both skilled and unskilled people to apply for a job. As a result, there are greater options available for the business and the person most suitable for the job can be hired. As far as benefits and drawbacks of minimum wage policies are concerned with regards to the consumers multiple scenarios are possible. Primarily, it depends on whether consumers want benefit in the short-run or in the long-run. It is possible that a business pays lower than minimum wage to its workers to reduce production costs. As a result the price of the product manufactured remains lower than the business competitors’ products. Consumers who prefer less durable but cheaper goods will most benefit from this. However, in this age of ever increasing scarcity such consumption of cheap goods can prove t o be a waste of resources and hence create shortage of raw materials needed for manufacturing in the upcoming days. This can further increase prices of even the less durable goods. Eventually, consumers will have to suffer. Moreover, a higher minimum wage will ensure that better but more expensive products are manufactured which do not create a shortage of resources in the long run. I conclude that overall the minimum wage
Saturday, February 8, 2020
Follow instruction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Follow instruction - Essay Example The story The murder of Roger Ackroyd talks about the killing of a prominent person of the town, Mrs. Ferrars . However, the book ends with an unexpected plot twist where the murderer finally confessed of the murder. It is Dr. Sheppard who admits on committing the crime. The murderer tries to hid the guilt that he has on committing the crime and says, â€Å"I did what little had to be done†which is said at the situation where he hides the Dictaphone and shifts his chair. According to Dr. Sheppard he thought that he would finally be the one responsible for failing Roger Ackroyd and that the detective won’t be able to solve the case. Hence this serves as the confession as well as the suicide note by the murderer (Chritstie, 123). It is in this last chapter, that the murderer writes about how he committed his murder, mentioning every detail on how and what happened and what was his purpose behind it. It would have been better if the author could have divided each paragrap h into shorter ones instead of writing everything in two very big ones. The author has put more dialogues than actual actions which make it a bit tiresome to read. Also sometimes in the paragraph, the author has forgotten to put inverted commas which indicate the beginning of a dialogue, and since there aren’t any inverted commas the story becomes a little confusing to the readers. Apart from these, the paragraph is written well with not punctuation or grammatical errors. Similarly in the book The Suspicions of Mr Whicher, it is in the final chapter that the crime of the murder of the boy is finally solved after going through various locks and dead ends. The detective Jonathan Whicher, finally discovers that it was the half sister of the young boy who committed the crime. Contance Emilie Kent wrote a letter which served as her confession letter, she also agreed on letting the press know that she had killed Francis Saville Kent (Summerscale, 288). She explained her
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Community and Social Benefits Essay Example for Free
Community and Social Benefits Essay The investigation of the reasons by which volunteers involve themselves on specific organizations, and actually stay for a long period of time, or leave groups which they became a part of is the theme of this article. The researcher wanted to provide an explanation that will cover the queries on volunteerism including its effects on the lives of the volunteers, importance in our current society, and the overall impact of these activities in the modern American lives (Strigas, 2006). The general hypothesis of the study is depicted on the title which states that volunteers are offering their free time to specific associations because they believe that such activities will render community and social benefits. The testable and more specific hypothesis, on the other hand, states that volunteers for sport and recreation activities provide their services based on five major motivational factors which include the following: â€Å"social functions for leisure,†â€Å"material,†â€Å"egoistic,†â€Å"purposive factors,†and â€Å"external influences†(Strigas, 2006). In a more formal presentation, the null hypothesis of the study can be presented as ? 1 – ? 2 = 0 where ? 1 comprise the motivational factors of the volunteer that are based on personal needs and interests while ? 2 accounts for the factors that are influenced by social and personal development (Experiment Resources, 2010). In like manner, it can be said that the null hypothesis of the study represents the idea that no relationship exists between personal and societal-based reasons for volunteering. A thorough analysis of the article will reveal that the null hypothesis was actually rejected as shown by the enumeration of evidences that link personal interests of the volunteers and their desire to help the society as some of the factors on why they join various organizations. Furthermore, it was shown that volunteers join organizations because they want to gain self-fulfillment or because they want to win favors from others. The importance of rejecting the null hypothesis (Trochim, 2006) and believing in the original notion that volunteerism is influenced by both personal and societal reasons in order to allow the cohesion of community and society provides framework on the encouragement of volunteerism empowerment in our society today. Consequently, the study emphasizes the importance of testing the hypothesis in order to confirm or disprove the observations of the researcher. Reference Experiment Resources. (2010). The Null hypothesis. Retrieved 03 June 2010, from. http://www. experiment-resources. com Strigas, A. (2006). Research update: making the most of volunteers: a study shows volunteers are giving their time in exchange for community and social benefits. Parks and Recreation. Trochim, W. (2006). Hypotheses. Retrieved 03 June 2010, from http://www. socialresearchmethods. net
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Kant Political Leader :: essays research papers
Kant held that nothing was good in itself except good will. In other words, no action, in and of itself, was either wrong or right. Only the motive of the actor lent the action its morality. If a person acted out of a vested interest (because of a possible consequence) then the act was non-moralâ€â€it had no moral implications whatsoever. But, if a person acted because she thought she was doing the right thing, then she was acting out of good will and the act was a moral act. In Kant’s view, actions have true moral worth only when they spring from a recognition of a duty and a choice to discharge it. For example, using Kantian logic, an advertiser who avoided untruthful advertising because he was afraid of getting caught and fined would not necessarily be acting morally. However, if the advertiser recognized a duty to his constituents to tell the truth, and that is the reason he didn't lie, then the act would be a moral act. Kant defined good will as the uniquely human capacity to act according to one's principles, not out of an expectation of potential consequences. In fact, Kant had learned through the writings of the Italian philosopher and royal counselor, Niccolo Machiavelli, that basing decisions solely on likely consequences could excuse any action, even the most abhorrent. In his famous treatise, The Prince, Machiavelli had proposed that any action taken by a monarch should be based on an assessment of the best outcome for the monarch himself. Under this guideline (which is also known as egoism), actions such as murder could be excused if they are in the best interest of the person making the decision. Like other Enlightenment theorists, Kant believed that human beings were endowed with the ability to reason, and reasoning would logically lead to an understanding of how to construct moral rules to live by. Rational beings would, then, logically abide by the rules they set for themselves. In this, he was in accord with the social contractarians. Rules arrived at in this manner would also become morally obligatory, and Kant saw obligation (or duty) as the overriding determinant of morality. He believed that we would recognize our duty when we saw it because we could reason, and reason would lead us logically to recognition. For Kant, there were two obvious types of duties: perfect duties and imperfect duties.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Research Paper on Illegal Immigration Essay
Illegal immigration has become a huge issue in the United States, it is estimated that there are about twelve million illegal immigrants living in the U. S. today and that number is growing larger every day. This issue has caused multiple social, economic, safety, and law issues within the country. The state and federal government is using billions of dollars on things such as school, welfare, and medical and receiving minimal or no money in return simply because they are giving out the money to illegal immigrants who do not pay taxes to help fund things. Even though illegal immigrants help the economy, take low paying jobs, and improve the overall image of America, the U. S. must not allow any persons who enter this country illegally to stay in this country because, the illegal immigrants create social, economic, safety, and law issues for the country. The United States has a long history of immigration from different countries. People first started immigrating to the U. S. in around the year 1815. â€Å"Between the year 1815 and 1915 it is estimated that thirty million Europeans arrived into the United States†(Willis par. 1). Once people started immigrating to this country is when the problems started to begin regarding illegal immigration. People of the time wanted to get into, and be a part of this country they just did not want to do it the correct way. Charles Willis stated, â€Å"During the large wave of immigration the U. S. limited the number of people allowed to enter the U. S. , and a certain amount from each country. However the door was left open for Mexicans, who even then were desired by employers for their cheap labor. As history would show, this legal immigration led to illegal immigration†(par. ). This is when illegal immigration is believed to have begun. Furthermore, there are more facts in history about illegal immigration taking place. For example, a L. A. Times story from April 1926 noted that many of the ranch workers in California’s Imperial Valley entered the U. S. illegally without paying the fee or passing the literacy test (Gheen par. 6). Because of all the immigration, both legal and illegal, the government needed to do something to be able to control what was going on, therefore between 1882 and 1917 the U. S. government introduced laws regulating immigration. Immigration legal and illegal did not just occur in history, but is a current event in the United States today. Illegal immigration has become a larger problem in modern times than it ever was in the history of this country. It is estimated that there are twelve million total illegal immigrants residing in the United States (Miller 11). It is also estimated that 1 to 1. 5 million immigrants enter the U. S. each year, and of that million 850,000 people are believed to be illegal (Miller 12). All the people entering the country illegally can cause an abundance of problems. There are only a certain number of immigrants allowed into the country each year. All the people coming to the country illegally count as part of that number. The illegal immigrants that come to this country take up spots for immigrants that want to come here the legal way. That is not the only problem they cause either. Illegal immigrants use up government expenditures. According to William Gheen, â€Å"Undocumented workers do not generally pay income taxes but do use schools and government services, they are seen as a drain on government spending†(par. 8). Illegal immigrants also take up jobs that legal citizens of this country may desperately need that job. This country has been going through times where it has been hard for people to find jobs, if illegal immigrants had not taken some of these jobs it would have been easier for the citizens of this country to find a job. Illegal immigration is still a problem in modern times. Even though there are many bad aspects to illegal immigration there are also some positive sides of it. Although illegal immigration has negative aspects, it also has some positive aspects as well. For example, illegal immigrants help the economy. The money that illegal immigrants spend on goods and services in their local communities and around the state, â€Å"reverberates throughout the whole economy, creates more jobs, more spending and more revenue, the economic benefit far outweighs any cost on the fiscal side†(Gheen par. 12). A 2007 study on immigrants in Arkansas found that the total economic impact of Arkansas’ one hundred thousand, fifty one percent undocumented, on the state economy is nearly three billion dollars (Willis par. 5). Texas comptroller study found that the one million four hundred thousand undocumented immigrants living in Texas in 2005 contributed 17. billion dollars to the state economy (Willis par. 5). Illegal immigrants also take low paying jobs. Most Americans do not like to wash dishes, bust tables, and mop floors, but those are jobs that need to be done. Employers always have trouble finding regular employees to do that kind of work, which is also usually low paying. Americans are not willing to work them whereas the illegal immigrants are. When businesses have trouble filling positions of low skill jobs they only have two choices, raise the wage rate high enough to fill jobs or eliminate positions (Gheen par. 4). Businesses must then raise the prices of their items to make up the difference. Higher prices that the customers of those businesses will end up paying for. Illegal immigration also improves the overall image of America. No other country in the world has the diversity of races, religions, and cultures as America does. America brings together all sorts of different people around the world. Diversity in a country brings less prejudice against people and helps to introduce new ideas, perspectives, music, food, entertainment, strengths and skills. Other countries do not have a good image of Americans, allowing them to see all the good things this country has to offer helps Americas overall image (Willis par. 7). There are multiple positive aspects to illegal immigration. Even though there are some positive things about illegal immigration there are still lots of negative aspects as well. Illegal immigration brings lots of problems to this country. Firstly, illegal immigration allows more opportunities for terrorists, drug deals, and criminals to enter the country. When people come into the country illegally police cannot monitor what is being brought into our country. They cannot do a background check to see if any persons who come have criminal records or could pose a potential threat to the country. Illegal immigration is linked to drug smuggling, murder, and other crimes which threaten the safety of Americans. Jim Kouri said, â€Å"In the population study of 55,322 illegal aliens, researchers found that all together they were arrested at least 459,614 times, averaging eight arrests per illegal alien. Nearly all had more than one arrest. Thirty eight percent, about twenty one thousand had between two and five arrests. Thirty two percent, about eighteen thousand, had between six and ten arrests, and twenty six percent, about fifteen thousand, had eleven or more arrests†(par. 11). Illegal immigrants commit multitudes of crimes which make the city or the area they are living in unsafe for the citizens in that city. Secondly, Illegal immigrants consume high amounts of government resources. Most illegal aliens occupy low income employment and are more affected by downturns of the economy, which in turn puts them into welfare services which the government pays for. Undocumented workers do not usually pay income taxes but use government services, these people are seen as a drain in government spending. The government spends one hundred and thirteen billion dollars on outlays for services and benefits for illegal aliens and their families (Morrow 137). Education for children of illegal aliens represents the single largest expenditure at an annual cost of fifty two billion dollars, which is nearly all payed for by the state and local government (Morrow 138). Illegal immigrants also take up low income easy jobs for less skilled Americans. U. S. itizens receive less job opportunities because they have to compete with illegal aliens. The U. S. citizens pay back the government resources they use by paying taxes, whereas the illegal aliens do not refund the government there money. That is another reason the government should not allow any illegal immigrant to stay in this country. The last reason why the government should not allow illegal immigrants to stay in this country is they encourage more illegal aliens to enter the country. Once a couple people are here illegally they will often try to bring their family over to the country as well. It has been said that, â€Å"Immigration has a chain effect, in which people move to the U. S. , acquire legal status and later bring in more family members either legally or illegally†(Miller 18). People entering the country illegally and being allowed to stay here without any repercussions encourages more people to do the same. â€Å"Failure to punish illegal activity encourages more illegal activity, emboldens crimes, breeds public cynicism, and discourages others from obeying laws†(Miller 19). Illegal activity unpunished threatens American values of law and order. Illegal aliens abuse the generosity and compassion of the American people. Illegal immigration brings nothing but bad things to America. The United States government needs to overcome the problem of illegal immigration. Although there are some good aspects to it such as the illegal aliens will take unwanted low paying jobs that Americans will not work, and how diversity and acceptance of different types of people improve the overall image of America the negatives simply outweigh the positives. For example the illegal aliens can bring whatever they want into the country without anyone knowing what they brought or their background which can potentially pose a threat to American Citizens. Illegal immigrants are a drain of government money because they typically do not pay taxes which pays for all the services they use. They take away job opportunities for Americans to have, and by coming into the country it encourages other people to try to sneak into the country illegally. In order to stop illegal immigration from continuing, the government needs to put more people onto border control so they can monitor and stop more illegal aliens from entering our country.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
New Medi New Digital Age - 1254 Words
Living in a new digital age, we are seeing more computerized devices like smartphone and computers replacing old media technologies like newspaper, radio and television. Characteristics of new media as being digital, computerized, interactive and hypersexual have shaped new forms of communication. Meanwhile, the ability of new media to merge different forms of media technologies, industries and services so called convergence has also created unprecedented transformations in the society. In this paper, I argue that new media has contributed to all aspects of the paradigm shift. As it is constantly remediating its predecessors, it shapes new modes of subjectivity and changes the way we perceive knowledge. Although these changes†¦show more content†¦Thus, new media is reproducing itself through different old technologies. Not only new media is remediating its predecessors, it also shapes new modes of subjectivity. Subjectivity means the process of being a subject; it refers to who we are to how we react to the world. The emergence of new media has unprecedentedly change the subjectivity of different things. For example, we are experiencing new forms of textual experiences and representations such as genre, form and consumption. There are new forms of embodiment and identity that change how we perceive ourselves and our bodies. Organization also changes the rules of ownership, control, regulation. These subjectivities are all being reshaped due to the change of our relationship with technologies. The example discussed in lecture is subjectivity related to selfies. Media technologies has created selfies which are these self-portraits taken by phones that gets uploaded to social media. It is a convergence of technology, interaction and body. Selfies become a way to call to the world about who we are and a commanding representation of self. Because the immediacy, ubiquity and ephemerality of the social media, selfies have embodied these characteristics and b ecome instant, common and short-lived. The characteristics of new media is shaping the subjectivity of selfies. Moreover, devices functions are more determinative than aesthetic conventions. Technologies offer people the power to edit selfies. PeopleShow MoreRelatedDescription Of Pediatric Office Patient Forms1705 Words  | 7 Pages Live Date (AMY) URL (AMY) Pediatric Office Patient Forms Important forms for your child’s healthcare The providers at our pediatric office in Plano want you to be informed about the medical care of your child. To help you, we have uploaded digital versions of our important forms and a sum-mary of how they are used.  · Consent for Office Procedures. When your child requires an in-office procedure, we will ask you to sign this documentation to authorize treatment.  · Office Policies. We askRead MoreEmanuel Medical Center Situational Decision Analysis47698 Words  | 191 PagesSTATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK AT ALBANY Emanuel Medical Center Situational Decision Analysis James T. Onisk 4/29/2012 Table of Contents Situational Analysis Appendices External Analysis Appendix A: S.W.O.T. Analysis Appendix B: External Trend/Issue Analysis Appendix C: Environmental Trends/Issues Plot Appendix D: Stakeholder Map Appendix E: Service Area Profile Appendix F: Service Area Structural Analysis Appendix G: Service Area Competitor Analysis Appendix H: Critical Success Factor AnalysisRead MoreEmployee Remuneration13571 Words  | 55 Pages | | |Wages are paid as per the time spent by workers. |Wages are paid as per the output or production given by workers. | |Old/new system: | | |Oldest and simplest method of wage payment. |[pic]Modern and incentive system of wage system. Read MoreIntroduction of Sahara India Pariwar16656 Words  | 67 Pagesin the northern state of Uttar Pradesh as a small deposits Para-banking business. Today, the group has diversified into a giant business conglomerate with interests in housing, entertainment, media and aviation. Sahara Group is in entertainment and news television channels, a newspaper, and claims to own some 33,000 acres of real estate across India. It also sponsors the Indian cricket and hockey teams and intends to move into life insurance, housing finance, consumer products, sportswear, and healthcareRead MoreHsc General Math Textbook with Answers153542 Words  | 615 PagesG K Powers CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, Sà £o Paulo, Delhi, Dubai, Tokyo, Mexico City Cambridge University Press 477 Williamstown Road, Port Melbourne, VIC 3207, Australia Information on this title:  © The Powers Family Trust 2010 This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any
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