Wednesday, October 30, 2019
The Development and Growth in Sports and Physical Activities in Research Paper
The Development and Growth in Sports and Physical Activities in Britain - Research Paper Example The success of British sports in promoting justice can be credited to John Raws. Contextually, the concept of social justice in Britain reached at its height with the publication of ‘A Theory of Justice’ narrated by John Rawls. In his book, he argued on the complexity of traditional theory of justice and proposed his own principles. The principles postulated by him stated that each person should have equal rights to the most extensive basic liberties which should comprise compatible similar liberty for all irrespective of any race, ethnic origin, religion and colour. Furthermore, he added that social and economic equalities should be drawn in such a way that yields the greatest benefits to every individual or group (Wolff, 2012). Spracklen & et. al. (2006) stated that despite the considerable efforts and attention to racial equality over the last few years, the progress towards creating equality has not been much fruitful in the UK. The principles stated by John Rawls do not seem to be in practice in a modern day sports context. At the same time, it is also being argued that approaches initiated in the UK for promoting social equality failed to acknowledge views related with gender equality and social consequences which ultimately discouraged the support of sports opportunities for women and girls (Right to Play, 2010). Formal, radical and liberal equality all has been placed for promoting equality in society. The broad three aspects of equality vary in certain ways. In relation to this, formal equality is based on the rule of laws that advocates equality without making any discrimination.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Organisation and Behaviour Essay Example for Free
Organisation and Behaviour Essay Organizational structure can be described as the framework in which an organization operates. There are three main types of organizational structure: functional, divisional and matrix structure. A functional structure is set up so that each portion of the organization is grouped according to its purpose. In this type of organization, for example, there may be a marketing department, a sales department and a production department. The functional structure works very well for small businesses in which each department can rely on the talent and knowledge of its workers and support itself. However, one of the drawbacks to a functional structure is that the coordination and communication between departments can be restricted by the organizational boundaries of having the various departments working separately. A divisional structure typically is used in larger companies that operate in a wide geographic area or that have separate smaller organizations within the umbrella group to cover different types of products or market areas. For example, the now-defunct Tecumseh Products Company was organized divisionallywith a small engine division, a compressor division, a parts division and divisions for each geographic area to handle specific needs. The benefit of this structure is that requirements can be met rapidly and more specifically; however, communication is inhibited because employees in different divisions are not working together. Divisional structure is costly because of its size and scope. Small businesses can use a divisional structure on a smaller scale, having different offices in different parts of the city, for example, or assigning different sales teams to handle different geographic areas. A matrix structure is a hybrid of divisional and functional structure. Typically used in large multinational companies, the matrix structure allows for the benefits of functional and divisional structures to exist in one organization. This can create power struggles because most areas of the company will have a dual managementa functional manager and a product or divisional manager working at the same level and covering some of the same managerial territory. Organizational structure is closely related to culture. Culture refers to the deep-seated beliefs, values and norms that represent the unique character of an organization and also the shared goals and visions for the people in the organization. Organizational structure and culture are difficult to separate as they are intertwined and dependent on each other. Arguably, Greenscape operates a matrix structure. Organizational structure can be described as the framework in which an organization operates. How its tasks are delegated and its leadership structure i.e. its lines of authority and communication. ‘Organization structure determines how information flows between different levels of management and employees. How roles, power and duties are delegated controlled and coordinated.†The structure an organization chooses is dependent on its objectives and the strategy employed to achieve them. Pre-globalization most organizations had a centralized structure where the power was concentrated at the top. With globalization we has seen a shift in many organizations to a more decentralized structure where decision making is more participative and decision making is power is shared and more autonomy is given to divisions and departments. The motivation of the individuals goals and aspirations, needs met in one, and not the organization: what drives us in life and in business in partic ular, managerial tasks to recognize the individual motivations and management tools are linked to organizational goals with individual can move resources to achieve organizational goals. Lawler (1981) argue that the factors determining the balance motivation the efforts and expectations concerning performance relationship and the perceived attractiveness of reward. These factors are simply related links to each other, where each link is irrelevant. If an employee receives a job, which is calculated as a challenge to your skills, and be able to complete this task successfully with very nice rewarded, so trying to maximize the performance. If, however, the challenges we face are too big or too small, it will not sufficiently able to feel, or to solve the problem for the reward is not attractive enough, and it will not be effective enough. Youll be motivated and do not feel the job is important it is not going to make an effort to get the best out of the employee. Leadership is the backbone for the success of an organization. Normally there are four types of leadership styles, which are Autocratic, Participative, Delegative and Free Reign. These leadership styles have different effectiveness in different circumstances. Differences and similarities between the leadership styles of Max Worthy and Brenda Hogan We can argue that Max Worthy was operating in a free reign/autocratic leadership styles where everyone had to mind its own business. Brenda Hogan was a manager using a participative management approach. The participative approach will promote integrity, great observation skills and high emotional intelligence. It also promotes openness to effective communication. Hogan wanted to involve everyone in taking part at the formulation of decisions that affected them. She created the environment for the staff to learn from each other and acquire new skills, especially managerial. In contrast, Max Worthy dictated what needed to be done to staff from a distant office. Employees became accustomed to his practices and were reluctant to adopt the new approach from Hogan. Hogan leadership style can inspire her entire team to achieve excellence by example. Her hard work and caring nature set an example for all her coworkers. Management takes place within a structured organisational setting with prescribed roles. It is directed towards the achievement of aims and objectives through influencing the efforts of others. Below is a discussion of three well known management theories. Classical management theory: It puts emphasis on structure and prescriptive what is good for firms. One of the advantages of the classical management structure is a clear organizational structure with distinct management levels. Each management group has its own objectives and responsibilities as there is division of labour. Projects are broken down into smaller tasks that are easy to complete and employees responsibilities are clearly defined. This approach allows workers to specialize in one specific area and leads to increased productivity. Employees are motivated by monetary rewards (‘a fair day pay for a fair day work’). The leadership style is autocratic. Managers direct the employees and all decisions are made at the top level and communicated down. This is the case for the management style adopted by Max Worthy. Human Relations Theories: Classical theorists were concerned with structure and mechanics of organizations. But human relation theorists were concerned with the human factors at work. This was undoubtedly the management style adopted by Brenda Hogan. The human relations theory focus is on motivation, group motivation and effective leadership. At the heart of this theory is the relationship between employer and employee. According to the Human relation theory peoples needs are decisive factors in achieving an organisations objectives. Individuals cannot be treated in isolation, but function with group members. Contingency Theories From the late 1950s, a new approach to organisation theory was developed which became known as contingency theory. According to this theory, there is no one best way to structure an organisation. When deciding on how it should be structured, how it should be organized and how it should be managed, an organisation will face a range of choices. Successful organisations adopt appropriate structures in response to a number of variables, or contingencies, which influence both the needs of the organisation and how it works. Theorists in favour of the contingency approach recommend a diagnosis of people/ task/ technology/environment then suggest the development of appropriate solutions (e.g. Pugh).
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Stem Cell Research - Embryonic Stem Cells Save Lives :: Persuasive Argumentative Essay Examples
Embryonic Stem Cells Save Lives  Special cells that are taken from human embryos, called embryonic stem cells (ES cells), actually possess the power to save your life. These cells can serve many medical purposes and have the ability to benefit people in infinite ways. The importance of embryonic stem cells rests in their lack of specialization. These basic cells are present in the earliest stages of developing embryos and are able to develop into virtually any type of cell and tissue in the body. Being self-renewing, they offer a potentially limitless source of cells and tissue. (Tucker) The versatility of these unique cells is what makes them so valuable and vital to human existence. They have properties that no other part of the human body can possess. One example of how ES cells could work is Parkinson's disease. Parkinson's is caused by the death of cells in the brain that produce dopamine. Placing ES cells in the dopamine-producing region of the brain could cure Parkinson's. That is just one of the many possible effects that ES cells could have on serious diseases, among other things. The importance of this relatively new discovery, even though not yet realized by everyone, could have already played an important part in the lives of a majority of the people. I am one of those people and can actually relate a personal experience that has made me a strong believer in the importance of ES cells. I am sure that there are many people who have had experiences much like my own who can, by relating back to their own personal experiences, comprehend the significance of ES cells in today's world. But if ES cells can prevent life-threatening diseases and save your life, why is the government banning research on them? The uniqueness of these special cells has caused a huge amount of controversy in not only the medical world, but also in politics and wherever else the topic has been discussed. It is to be expected that there are going to be risks associated with the study and use of ES cells. Some who are opposed to researching ES cells argue that it is wrong to experiment on human embryos because it prevents the possibility for human life to evolve from those embryos. Another major reason ES cells are under so much controversy is because of the possibility that the cells could be used for purposes other than producing cells and tissue to help treat disease, like cloning.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Persuasive speech outline Essay
Believe it or not, according to, about 3,000,000 teens drop out of high school each year. That’s approximately 7,000 a day. This is not only hurting their success and the amount of money they can earn, but also the economy of the entire United States. Although some people might think every teen should be able to make the decision to drop out or stay in high school themselves, but teens need to realize the consequences that come with dropping out. When you’re is a young teen you may not be thinking about how your decisions can affect your future, without a high school education you cannot attend college, this will make it harder for you to find a high paying job, let alone a job at all. II. Need Step A. When a person is a young adolescent, they’re thinking about now, not the future, and they may regret the decision to drop out later. ââ€" Most of the teenagers that end up dropping out of high school are thinking about how much they don’t want to be at school or how they cannot handle the workload. ââ€" Sometimes teens have actual trouble in school and going to regular high school isn’t the best option, but they still need to get an education somehow, even if its online classes. In other cases, teens just don’t want to go to high school, and that’s their reasoning for dropping out. They aren’t thinking about their future. ââ€" According to State Representative Martha Waltz of Boston, few, if any, 16 year olds have the wisdom and knowledge to understand the lifelong consequences of ending their high school education at 16
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Fundamentals of Research Essay
This paper will discuss the connection between scientific methods and research in the human services field. By comparing and contrasting, qualitative and quantitative research as well as the describing steps involved in scientific method is answered using realistic examples that may be used in the human service field. The pros and cons of the mixed methods are identified are relevant in the human service environment. The Scientific Method and Human Services â€Å"A scientific method is described a scientific approach to research and mainly depends on empirical reasoning; which discusses the use of combining logic and the use of careful observation and measurement that is accessible to other researchers†(Rosnow & Rosenthal, 2008, p. 20). In other words, scientific method is a method to gather information, conduct an experiment, and produce a hypothesis. Researchers use the data from different sources, such as a survey, questionnaire, interview, or polls to formulate hypothesis or an educated guess). Descriptive, relational, and experimental research can be used in the human services field. For example, â€Å"descriptive research consists of researching how things are. Relational researching describes how things are in relation to other things. Experimental research is a combination of descriptive and relational research†(Rosnow & Rosenthal, 2008, p. 20). The hypothesis is a base for discovering who did what and why. For example, researchers in the human services field can use descriptive research to look at the characteristics of an alcoholic teenager. They may also focus on how it may affect the teenager’s relationships with others, behavior, performance in school, and obtaining, and maintaining his or her first job. Scientific methods are valuable assets within the human service and related fields because; the method helps determine new and improved ways to assist a client with his or her crisis. Steps in the Scientific Method The steps included in scientific methods are identifying research, reviewing literature, specifying a purpose for the study, data collection, analyze or interpret the collection of data, as well as report and evaluate the research (Creswell, 2008). For example, contributing factors in a student’s poor performance in school. Step 1: Identifying the research A student has poor performance in school. Step 2: Reviewing literature. Select and research the statistics have contributing factors that lead to the poor performance in school. Step 3: Specifying the purpose for the study. Student’s poor performance is because of unexpected circumstances. Step 4: Data Collection Approximately 25% of students in school encounter uncontrollable circumstances before and during a course of study. Step 5: Analyzing or interpreting Data Poor performance may be due to financial, mental, emotional, or physical difficulties. Step 6: Report and Evaluate results of Research The research has found that the poor performance before and during a course of study is typically among students who are affected by one or more of the above instances. This occurs in about 100 out of 500 students. Quantitative and Qualitative Research Quantitative researchers decide what is necessary to study by asking specific or constricted questions by the collection of numerical data from participants. For example, the 25% of students display negative affects through some sort of difficulty during at least one course of study. Qualitative research relies on the opinion through answers to general questions during data collection from participants. â€Å"This occurs when researchers describe and analyze these words for premise; and conducts the inquiry in a subjective, biased manner†(Creswell, 2008, p. 46). The determining factors focus on deciding what type of research to use, such as the type of problem, the audience, and personal experiences. Most students describe the poor performance as frustrating and overwhelming. Some students may begin to cry or lose eye contact during the interviewing process. Methodology â€Å"Methodologies suggest how inquiries are formed by demonstrating problems worth investigating, how to frame a problem, how to develop suitable creation of data collection, and how to make the logical link between them†(Jackson, 2007, p. 23). Combining both forms of data uses quantitative or qualitative data to gain more improved understanding of a research problem than each one separately. Qualitative research data typically comes from field work (Morse, 2005). Collected data is through interviews, direct observation, and written documents. Morse states that data from an interview is the participant’s exact words; relating to his or her experience, opinions, feelings, and knowledge (Morse, 2005). The observation of data is gathered from the behavior of the participant. Some examples of written documents are correspondence, questionnaires, and surveys. Mixed Method Research â€Å"A mixed methods research design is a procedure for collecting, analyzing, and mixing both quantitative and qualitative research and other methods in a single study to understand a research problem†(Creswell, 2008, p. 552). Sometimes qualitative research data is also used during mixed methods (Caracelli & Greene, 1993). To study a larger spectrum, combing multiple methods is feasible. Triangular design, embedded design, explanatory design, and exploratory design are just a few examples of mixed method research. Conclusion When the human service professional uses scientific method, they typically use empirical reasoning to explain the results of data collection. Scientific research helps human service professionals identify trends and indifferences among clients to enhance the quality of his or her life. The research also suggests methods to suppress the negative outcomes in the lives of the clients and their family. This is done by using qualitative data using numbers and quantitative data collection using personal experiences, surveys, or polls. References Caracelli, V. J., and Greene, J.C.(1993). Data Analysis Strategies for Mixed-Method Evaluation Designs. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis. 15(2) Creswell, J. W. (2008). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/ Merrill Prentice Hall. Jackson, R. L., Drummond, D. K., & Camara, S. (2007). What Is Qualitative Research?. Qualitative Research Reports In Communication, 8(1), 21-28. doi: 10.1080/17459430701617879 Morse, J. M. (2005). Qualitative research. In Carl Mitcham (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics (pp. 1557-1559). Detroit, MI: Macmillan Reference USA. Rosnow, R. L., & Rosenthal, R. (2008). Beginning behavioral research: A conceptual primer (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Negligence Essays and People’s Wrong Relations with One Another
Negligence Essays and People’s Wrong Relations with One Another Negligence essays, written on different issues and by different people, concern wrong treatment of the individuals, property, buildings, various mechanisms. Dealing with tort laws and criminal justice science, a person could say that negligence essays are very important for a criminal justice course. Having analyzed the concepts concerning the negligence essays, a person could say that negligence essays fully complete many people’s views concerning the tort laws and science connected with it. The following points are the most important concerning negligence essays: Degree of social harm. Different forms of negligence present various forms of social harm. Having fixed the bicycle insufficiently and let another person ride it may result in the person’s crash and bones’ fracture. Nuclear plant mechanism wrong usage, resulting in thousands of deaths, is quite a different matter from the instance mentioned in the first case. It means that potential degree of social harm and probability of its occurrence must be specially stressed in the negligence essays. Affecting other people. Negligence is not very severe when it concerns one specific individual. A person has a choice to live the life the way he/she considers necessary or even commit a suicide. However, when the other people’s lives are at stake, a person must be very careful and cautious. Nobody deserves the right to arrange other people’s lives or take it away from them. This point is very important to be mentioned in the negligence essays. Material loss and property wastes. Writing negligence essays, a person might stress the point of their influence on the human society and precautions that must be taken in order to avoid any tragedies, catastrophes and calamities. Having examined the most vital points of negligence essays, a person might say that he/she is more prepared for this life and its harshness.
Monday, October 21, 2019
9 Powerful Grammar Tips to Strengthen Workplace Communication
9 Powerful Grammar Tips to Strengthen Workplace Communication Grammar is not as outdated an institution as you might think. Just because many people might not hold much stock in it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t pay attention to good grammar. It might just make the difference between getting hired or promoted and being overlooked. The way you use language is part of your presentation. Make sure you’re making the right impression by avoiding these nine common mistakes:1. â€Å"Fewer†vs. â€Å"Less†You only use less when you’re talking about concepts, rather than countable things. â€Å"I want to be under less stress this year,†is fine, but be careful. â€Å"I want to take on less clients†is incorrect. You want to take on fewer clients.SEE ALSO: Ban These 15 Words From Your Writing2. â€Å"It’s†and â€Å"its†The most embarrassing. Remember it’s is a contraction for â€Å"it is,†much like â€Å"can’t†for is a contraction for â€Å"cann ot.†The apostrophe is holding the place of the missing letter. Its is a possessive term. The cat ate its dinner.If you’re having a hard time, try to never use the contraction version it’s and just make a habit of always spelling out â€Å"it is†instead.3. Dangling modifiersThis is a toughie. Just try to remember that what comes after a comma usually describes the clause immediately before it. â€Å"Smelling like a wet dog, I removed my sweater.†That’s you smelling like a wet dog, when you meant to say the sweater smelled. Try instead, â€Å"I removed my sweater, which smelled like a wet dog.†4. â€Å"Who†vs â€Å"Whom†An easy rule to remember- simply try completing the sentence in your head. â€Å"For whom are the flowers?†(â€Å"The flowers are for him.†) â€Å"Whom did you ask to the prom?†(â€Å"I asked her to the prom.†) You wouldn’t say â€Å"I asked she to the prom,†would you? But you would say, â€Å"Who did that?†(She or he did it.)5. Me, Myself IMyself is a reflexive pronoun. Use it only when you’ve already referred to yourself earlier in the sentence. â€Å"I made myself a sandwich†is okay, but â€Å"My mom and myself made a cake†is not. That would be â€Å"My mom and I made a cake.†And careful with me and I, as well. â€Å"My mom and me†did not make a cake, but â€Å"My dad is taking my mom and me to the park†works great.6. â€Å"Lie†vs â€Å"Lay†You’re not â€Å"going to lay down.†Lay always requires an object. You lay a book on the coffee table, but you lie down. Careful though, because lay is also the past tense of lie. So you â€Å"lay down on the couch yesterday†though you will â€Å"lie on it†today. The past tense of lay, for reference, is â€Å"laid.†7. Irregular verbsThese sneak in all the time. For example, lended and upseted are not words (it’s left and upset). English is tricky that way. Especially with terminology in your career, be careful to be precise and not make these errors. A quick Google can usually sort you out if you’re in doubt.8. â€Å"Nor†vs â€Å"or†Only use nor when you’re already expressing a negative. â€Å"Neither my boss nor I understood the memo.†Or â€Å"my boss didn’t understand the memo- nor did I.†Otherwise, use or.9. â€Å"Then†vs â€Å"than†Just assume hiring managers will shred your resume on sight if you commit this sin. Remember, than is comparative: â€Å"I would rather be a hammer than a nail.†Then tells time: â€Å"We did this, then that.â€
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Horatius at the Bridge by Thomas Babington Macaulay
'Horatius at the Bridge' by Thomas Babington Macaulay An esteemed army officer in the ancient Roman Republic, Horatius Cocles lived in a legendary period of Rome during the late sixth century. Horatius was known for defending one of Romes most famous bridges, the Pons Sublicius, during the war between Rome and Clusium. The heroic leader was known for fighting against Etruscan invaders such as Lars Porsena and his invading army. Horatius was known as a courageous and brave leader of the Roman army. Thomas Babington McAulay The poet Thomas Babington McAulay is also known as a politician, essayist, and historian. Born in England in 1800, he wrote one of his first poems at the age of eight called The Battle of Cheviot. Macaulay went on to college where he began to have his essays published prior to a career in politics. He was best known for his work in History of England covering the period 1688–1702. Macaulay died in 1859 in London. Summary The story of Horatius is described in Plutarchs Life of Publicola. In the early 6th century BCE, Lars Porsena was the most powerful king in Etruscan Italy, who Tarquinius Superbus asked to help him take back Rome. Porsena sent a message to Rome saying they should receive Tarquin as their king, and when the Romans refused, he declared war on them. Publicola was the consul of Rome, and he and Lucretius defended Rome until they fell in battle. Horatius Cocles (Cyclops, so named because he had lost one of his eyes in the wars) was the keeper of the Gate of Rome. He stood in front of the bridge and held off the Etruscans until the Romans could put the bridge out of commission. Once that was accomplished, Horatius, wounded by a spear to his buttocks and in full armor, dove into the water and swam back to Rome. Horatius was forced to retire as a result of his injuries and, after a protracted siege of the city, Lars Porsena captured Rome, but without sacking it. Tarquinius Superbus was to be the last of the kings of Rome. Macaulay's Horatius at the Bridge The following poem by Thomas Babington Macaulay is a memorable ballad that recounts the courage of Horatius Cocles in his battle with the Roman army against the Etruscans. Lars Porsena of Clusium, by the Nine Gods he sworeThat the great house of Tarquin should suffer wrong no more.By the Nine Gods he swore it, and named a trysting day,And bade his messengers ride forth,East and West and South and North,To summon his array.East and West and South and North the messengers ride fast,And tower and town and cottage have heard the trumpets blast.Shame on the false Etruscan who lingers in his home,When Porsena of Clusium is on the march for Rome! The horsemen and the footmen are pouring in amainFrom many a stately market-place, from many a fruitful plain;From many a lonely hamlet which, hid by beech and pineLike an eagles nest hangs on the crest of purple Apennine;From lordly Volaterrae, where scowls the far-famed holdPiled by the hands of giants for god-like kings of old;From sea-girt Populonia, whose sentinels descrySardinias snowy mountain-tops fringing the southern sky;From the proud mart of Pisae, queen of the western waves,Where ride Massilias triremes, heavy with fair-haired slaves;From where sweet Clanis wanders through corn and vines and flowers;From where Cortona lifts to heaven her diadem of towers.Tall are the oaks whose acorns drop in dark Ausers rill;Fat are the stags that champ the boughs of the Ciminian hill;Beyond all streams Clitumnus is to the herdsman dear;Best of all pools the fowler loves the great Volsinian mere. But now no stroke of woodman is heard by Ausers rill;No hunter tracks the stags green path up the Ciminian hill;Unwatched along Clitumnus grazes the milk-white steer;Unharmed the water fowl may dip in the Volsinian mere.The harvests of Arretium, this year, old men shall reap;This year, young boys in Umbro shall plunge the struggling sheep;And in the vats of Luna, this year, the must shall foamRound the white feet of laughing girls whose sires have marched to Rome. There be thirty chosen prophets, the wisest of the land,Who always by Lars Porsena both morn and evening stand:Evening and morn the Thirty have turned the verses oer,Traced from the right on linen white by mighty seers of yore;And with one voice the Thirty have their glad answer given:Go forth, go forth, Lars Porsena! Go forth, beloved of Heaven!Go, and return in glory to Clusiums round dome,And hang round Nurscias altars the golden shields of Rome.And now hath every city sent up her tale of men;The foot are fourscore thousand; the horse are thousands ten.Before the gates of Sutrium is met the great array.A proud man was Lars Porsena upon the trysting day.For all the Tuscan armies were ranged beneath his eye,And many a banished Roman, and many a stout ally;And with a mighty following to join the muster cameThe Tusculan Mamilius, Prince of the Latian name.But by the yellow Tiber was tumult and affright:From all the spacious champaign to Rome men took their flight.A mile around the city the throng stopped up the ways:A fearful sight it was to see through two long nights and daysFor aged folks on crutches, and women great with child,And mothers sobbing over babes that clung to them and smiled. And sick men borne in litters high on the necks of slaves,And troops of sun-burned husbandmen with reaping-hooks and staves,And droves of mules and asses laden with skins of wine,And endless flocks of goats and sheep, and endless herds of kine,And endless trains of wagons that creaked beneath the weightOf corn-sacks and of household goods choked every roaring gate.Now, from the rock Tarpeian, could the wan burghers spyThe line of blazing villages red in the midnight sky.The Fathers of the City, they sat all night and day,For every hour some horseman came with tidings of dismay.To eastward and to westward have spread the Tuscan bands;Nor house, nor fence, nor dovecote in Crustumerium stands.Verbenna down to Ostia hath wasted all the plain;Astur hath stormed Janiculum, and the stout guards are slain. I wis, in all the Senate, there was no heart so bold,But sore it ached, and fast it beat, when that ill news was told.Forthwith up rose the Consul, up rose the Fathers all;In haste they girded up their gowns and hied them to the wall.They held a council standing before the River-Gate;Short time was there, ye well may guess, for musing or debate.Out spake the Consul roundly: The bridge must straight go down;For since Janiculum is lost, naught else can save the town...Just then, a scout came flying, all wild with haste and fear:To arms! To arms, Sir Consul! Lars Porsena is here!On the low hills to westward the Consul fixed his eye,And saw the swarthy storm of dust rise fast along the sky,And nearer fast and nearer doth the red whirlwind come;And louder still and still more loud, from underneath that whirling cloud,Is heard the trumpets war-note proud, the trampling and the hum.And plainly and more plainly now through the gloom appears,Far to left and far to right, in broken gleams of d ark-blue light,The long array of helmets bright, the long array of spears. And plainly and more plainly, above that glimmering line,Now might ye see the banners of twelve fair cities shine;But the banner of proud Clusium was highest of them all,The terror of the Umbrian; the terror of the Gaul.And plainly and more plainly now might the burghers know,By port and vest, by horse and crest, each warlike Lucumo.There Cilnius of Arretium on his fleet roan was seen;And Astur of the four-fold shield, girt with the brand none else may wield,Tolumnius with the belt of gold, and dark Verbenna from the holdBy reedy Thrasymene.Fast by the royal standard, oerlooking all the war,Lars Porsena of Clusium sat in his ivory car.By the right wheel rode Mamilius, prince of the Latian name,And by the left false Sextus, who wrought the deed of shame.But when the face of Sextus was seen among the foes,A yell that rent the firmament from all the town arose.On the house-tops was no woman but spat toward him and hissed,No child but screamed out curses, and shook its little first . But the Consuls brow was sad, and the Consuls speech was low,And darkly looked he at the wall, and darkly at the foe.Their van will be upon us before the bridge goes down;And if they once might win the bridge, what hope to save the town?Then out spoke brave Horatius, the Captain of the Gate:To every man upon this earth, death cometh soon or late;And how can man die better than facing fearful odds,For the ashes of his fathers, and the temples of his Gods,And for the tender mother who dandled him to rest,And for the wife who nurses his baby at her breast,And for the holy maidens who feed the eternal flame,To save them from false Sextus, that wrought the deed of shame?Hew down the bridge, Sir Consul, with all the speed ye may!I, with two more to help me, will hold the foe in play.In yon strait path, a thousand may well be stopped by three:Now, who will stand on either hand and keep the bridge with me?Then out spake Spurius Lartius; a Ramnian proud was he:Lo, I will stand at thy right hand and keep the bridge with thee.And out spake strong Herminius; of Titian blood was he:I will abide on thy left side, and keep the bridge with thee.Horatius, quoth the Consul, as thou sayest, so let it be.And straight against that great array forth went the dauntless Three. For Romans in Romes quarrel spared neither land nor gold,Nor son nor wife, nor limb nor life, in the brave days of old.Then none was for a party; then all were for the state;Then the great man helped the poor, and the poor man loved the great.Then lands were fairly portioned; then spoils were fairly sold:The Romans were like brothers in the brave days of old.Now Roman is to Roman more hateful than a foe,And the Tribunes beard the high, and the Fathers grind the low.As we wax hot in faction, in battle we wax cold:Wherefore men fight not as they fought in the brave days of old.Now while the Three were tightening their harness on their backs,The Consul was the foremost man to take in hand an axe:And Fathers mixed with Commons seized hatchet, bar and crow,And smote upon the planks above and loosed the props below.Meanwhile the Tuscan army, right glorious to behold,Came flashing back the noonday light,Rank behind rank, like surges bright of a broad sea of gold.Four hundred trumpets sounde d a peal of warlike glee,As that great host, with measured tread, and spears advanced, and ensigns spread,Rolled slowly towards the bridges head where stood the dauntless Three. The Three stood calm and silent, and looked upon the foes,And a great shout of laughter from all the vanguard rose:And forth three chiefs came spurring before that deep array;To earth they sprang, their swords they drew, and lifted high their shields, and flewTo win the narrow way;Aunus from green Tifernum, Lord of the Hill of Vines;And Seius, whose eight hundred slaves sicken in Ilvas mines;And Picus, long to Clusium vassal in peace and war,Who led to fight his Umbrian powers from that grey crag where, girt with towers,The fortress of Naquinum lowers oer the pale waves of Nar.Stout Lartius hurled down Aunus into the stream beneath:Herminius struck at Seius, and clove him to the teeth:At Picus brave Horatius darted one fiery thrust;And the proud Umbrians golden arms clashed in the bloody dust.Then Ocnus of Falerii rushed on the Roman Three;And Lausulus of Urgo, the rover of the sea,And Aruns of Volsinium, who slew the great wild boar,The great wild boar that had his den amidst the re eds of Cosas fen,And wasted fields, and slaughtered men, along Albinias shore. Herminius smote down Aruns; Lartius laid Ocnus low:Right to the heart of Lausulus Horatius sent a blow.Lie there, he cried, fell pirate! No more, aghast and pale,From Ostias walls the crowd shall mark the track of thy destroying bark.No more Campanias hinds shall fly to woods and caverns when they spyThy thrice-accursed sail.But now no sound of laughter was heard among the foes.A wild and wrathful clamour from all the vanguard rose.Six spears lengths from the entrance halted that deep array,And for a space no man came forth to win the narrow way.But hark! the cry is Astur, and lo! the ranks divide;And the great Lord of Luna comes with his stately stride.Upon his ample shoulders clangs loud the four-fold shield,And in his hand he shakes the brand which none but he can wield.He smiled on those bold Romans a smile serene and high;He eyed the flinching Tuscans, and scorn was in his eye.Quoth he, The she-wolfs litter stand savagely at bay:But will ye dare to follow, if Astur clears the wa y?Then, whirling up his broadsword with both hands to the height,He rushed against Horatius and smote with all his might. With shield and blade Horatius right deftly turned the blow.The blow, yet turned, came yet too nigh;It missed his helm, but gashed his thigh:The Tuscans raised a joyful cry to see the red blood flow.He reeled, and on Herminius he leaned one breathing-space;Then, like a wild-cat mad with wounds, sprang right at Asturs face.Through teeth, and skull, and helmet so fierce a thrust he sped,The good sword stood a hand-breadth out behind the Tuscans head.And the great Lord of Luna fell at that deadly stroke,As falls on Mount Alvernus a thunder-smited oak.Far oer the crashing forest the giant arms lay spread;And the pale augurs, muttering low, gaze on the blasted head.On Asturs throat Horatius right firmly pressed his heel,And thrice and four times tugged amain, ere he wrenched out the steel.And see, he cried, the welcome, fair guests, that waits you here!What noble Lucumo comes next to taste our Roman cheer?But at his haughty challenge a sullen murmur ran,Mingled of wrath, and shame, and dr ead, along that glittering van. There lacked not men of prowess, nor men of lordly race;For all Etrurias noblest were round the fatal place.But all Etrurias noblest felt their hearts sink to seeOn the earth the bloody corpses; in their path the dauntless Three;And, from the ghastly entrance where those bold Romans stood,All shrank, like boys who unaware, ranging the woods to start a hare,Come to the mouth of a dark lair where, growling low, a fierce old bearLies amidst bones and blood.Was none who would be foremost to lead such dire attack?But those behind cried Forward!, and those before cried Back!And backward now and forward wavers the deep array;And on the tossing sea of steel, to and fro the standards reel;And the victorious trumpet-peal dies fitfully away.Yet one man for one moment strode out before the crowd;Well known was he to all the Three, and they gave him greeting loud.Now welcome, welcome, Sextus! Now welcome to thy home!Why dost thou stay, and turn away? Here lies the road to Rome.Thrice looked he at the city; thrice looked he at the dead;And thrice came on in fury, and thrice turned back in dread:And, white with fear and hatred, scowled at the narrow wayWhere, wallowing in a pool of blood, the bravest Tuscans lay. But meanwhile axe and lever have manfully been plied;And now the bridge hangs tottering above the boiling tide.Come back, come back, Horatius! loud cried the Fathers all.Back, Lartius! Back, Herminius! Back, ere the ruin fall!Back darted Spurius Lartius; Herminius darted back:And as they passed, beneath their feet they felt the timbers crack.But when they turned their faces, and on the further shoreSaw brave Horatius stand alone, they would have crossed once more.But with a crash like thunder fell every loosened beam,And, like a dam, the mighty wreck lay right athwart the stream:And a loud shout of triumph rose from the walls of Rome,As to the highest turret-tops was splashed the yellow foam.And, like a horse unbroken, when first he feels the rein,The furious river struggled hard, and tossed his tawny mane,And burst the curb, and bounded, rejoicing to be free,And whirling down, in fierce career, battlement, and plank, and pierRushed headlong to the sea.Alone stood brave Horatiu s, but constant still in mind;Thrice thirty thousand foes before, and the broad flood behind. Down with him! cried false Sextus, with a smile on his pale face.Now yield thee, cried Lars Porsena, now yield thee to our grace!Round turned he, as not deigning those craven ranks to see;Nought spake he to Lars Porsena, to Sextus nought spake he;But he saw on Palatinus the white porch of his home;And he spake to the noble river that rolls by the towers of Rome.Oh Tiber, father Tiber, to whom the Romans pray,A Romans life, a Romans arms, take thou in charge this day!So he spake and, speaking, sheathed the good sword by his side,And, with his harness on his back, plunged headlong in the tide.No sound of joy or sorrow was heard from either bank;But friends and foes in dumb surprise, with parted lips and straining eyes,Stood gazing where he sank;And when above the surges they saw his crest appear,All Rome sent forth a rapturous cry, and even the ranks of TuscanyCould scarce forbear to cheer.But fiercely ran the current, swollen high by months of rain:And fast his blood was flowing; and he was sore in pain,And heavy with his armour, and spent with changing blows:And oft they thought him sinking, but still again he rose. Never, I ween, did swimmer, in such an evil case,Struggle through such a raging flood safe to the landing place:But his limbs were borne up bravely by the brave heart within,And our good father Tiber bare bravely up his chin Curse on him! quoth false Sextus, will not the villain drown?But for this stay, ere close of day, we would have sacked the town!Heaven help him! quoth Lars Porsena, and bring him safe to shore;For such a gallant feat of arms was never seen before.And now he feels the bottom: now on dry earth he stands;Now round him throng the Fathers, to press his gory hands;And now, with shouts and clapping, and noise of weeping loud,He enters through the River-Gate, borne by the joyous crowd.They gave him of the corn-land, that was of public right,As much as two strong oxen could plough from morn till night;And they made a molten image, and set it up on high,And there it stands unto this day to witness if I lie.It stands in the Comitium, plain for all folk to see;Horatius in his harness, halting upon one knee:And underneath is written, in letters all of gold,How valiantly he kept the bridge in the brave days of old.And still his name sounds stirring unto the men of Rome,As the trumpet-blast that ca lls to them to charge the Volscian home;And wives still pray to Juno for boys with hearts as boldAs his who kept the bridge so well in the brave days of old. And in the nights of winter, when the cold north winds blow,And the long howling of the wolves is heard amidst the snow;When round the lonely cottage roars loud the tempests din,And the good logs of Algidus roar louder yet within;When the oldest cask is opened, and the largest lamp is lit;When the chestnuts glow in the embers, and the kid turns on the spit;When young and old in circle around the firebrands close;When the girls are weaving baskets and the lads are shaping bowsWhen the goodman mends his armour, and trims his helmets plume,And the goodwifes shuttle merrily goes flashing through the loom;With weeping and with laughter still is the story told,How well Horatius kept the bridge in the brave days of old.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Construction Safety Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Construction Safety - Research Paper Example The management may be prompted to continue with the construction under the prevailing conditions reason being that they are behind schedule, in order to avert the possibility of incurring losses. However, as the safety director, it would be essential to ensure that all regulations stipulated by OSHA are followed to the letter before any more progress on the construction can be made. This is due to the fact that the company would stand to lose a lot of revenue in the case of accidents occurring due to negligence. In such an occurrence, the company may be faced by numerous claims for compensation of victims or even risk the possibility of being denied the license to operate due to its poor profile in ensuring safety in the work place (Hinze, 2003). Once the scaffoldings are set to standard, it would be suggested that the company hires an extra work force to compensate for the lost time so as to finish the project on time. By so doing, the reputation of the company as well as its employ ee’s welfare would be protected, thereby ensuring that it stays in
Friday, October 18, 2019
Koran Issues in Contemporary Middle Eastern History Essay
Koran Issues in Contemporary Middle Eastern History - Essay Example The followers of Judaism and Christianity viz. Jews and Christians are referred to in Islam as the ‘people of the book’ because they too were sent messengers with scriptures. Differences between the three lie mainly in which prophets are recognized or not, the accepted books, interpretations of faith and teachings and so on. The Jews and Arabs historically are cousins set apart by the brothers Ishac (Isac) (A.S.) and Ismail (Ishmail) (A.S.) respectively, both descendents of prophet Ibrahim (A.S.). Between Christianity and Islam the notable differences come down to the belief in the oneness of Allah versus the doctrine of trinity; that Jesus was a prophet like other prophets (Islamic view) or the son of God (orthodox Christian view), and so on. So, there is a very close relationship between Islam, Judaism and Christianity and a great scope for mutual understanding and learning. Christians especially are potentially closer to the Muslims â€Å"because amongst these are me n devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world and they are not arrogant†. (5:85) The true concept of jihad in Islam is a comprehensive and constant ‘struggle’, ‘effort’ or ‘striving’ on an individual level and against one’s ego (nafs). Its justification or purpose is purification of the soul In a limited sense and as popularly perceived in the West, it also means a collective ‘holy war’ against others especially infidels. It is therefore a collective obligation (fard al-kifayah) under certain circumstances. It should also be pointed out that jihad in this manner has certain conditions that must be met, also that the drive to engage in warfare is overridden by some conditions too. For example, in Surah Tauba (9:5-6) it appears that muslims are being enjoined to fight but this must cease if for instance, those who are being fought convert to Islam, observe prayer, or seek asylum and pay the
MTV Network Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
MTV Network - Case Study Example MTV’s strategy in the Middle East is mostly based on the population, which comprises a large portion of teens whom it was targeting. The company saw the large population as an opportunity despite acknowledging that the challenges would be immense. MTV saw that the Middle East was an opportunity for expansion with respect to an audience of 190 million people that was unexploited. In addition, the company had undertaken adequate market research on the Middle East market and found out that there were no other channels providing similar content as MTV does with regard to international content. In the quest to fit in, MTV decided that it would produce 45% of the Arabia’s content locally to ensure that it met the standards of the conservative society. This would include a variety of programming ranging from music videos and reality shows to documentaries. Broadcasting 45% of local content would be a strategy that would help in unifying the area, which is known for constant po litical tensions. To beat the competition, MTV strategized a way of enabling the youths to voice their concerns and advertise their talents. In addition, usage of the Internet to allow people to access the channel anytime and anyhow they wish was also a good strategy that MTV devised to help in dealing with the competition of approximately 50 other local channels. The entire strategy is good and could work in this environment but with caution. This implies that the company should be very cautious on the content that it broadcasts.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
American Economic Association Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
American Economic Association - Assignment Example Others are from state, local and federal government. The organization publishes articles on applied economics, macroeconomics, microeconomics and economic policy. The organization normally hold three days annual meeting with other related organization in which they discuss various factors of economics (American Economic Association 1). Under macroeconomics, the organization focuses on studies concerning growth, aggregate fluctuations and functions of policies. According to Baumol & Blinder, the organization also carries out research and interacts with other fields like industrial organization, monetary theory, finance, labor economics, international economics, public finance and development economics (American Economic Association 1). The organization also studies economy-wide phenomena like Gross National Product and effects on national income. It also addresses changes in unemployment, price levels and rate of growth. For example, under macroeconomics, the organization studies the decrease and increase in net exports and its effects on a country’s capital account. The organization provides fundamental tools for various finance professionals and economists (Atif & Trebbi 14). It also sets the stage for growth, progress and revision of existing
Australian Government Intervenes in the Economy Essay
Australian Government Intervenes in the Economy - Essay Example Aside from market failures, the government also intervenes to achieve equality through the reallocation of resources and redistribution of income (Stiglitz, 2002). This last impetus for the government to interfere in the market economy is the focus of this paper. We will take a particular look at the Australian government and its various ways of intervening in the market to improve its outcomes: with a specific focus on reallocation of resources and redistribution of income. A study of the Australian National University's Centre for Economic Policy Research highlighted the income inequality in Australia. "The study revealed that "taken overall, the 60 years from 1921 were apparently a period of major decline" in the share of income going to the wealthiest taxpayers" (Michaels, 2006). By 1980, the share of the top 1% fell from 10% of the total income to 5%, the 0.5% fell from around 9% to 2.95% and the top 0.1% was cut down from 4% to approximately 1% (Michaels, 2006). ... er the same period and the share of the top 0.1 percent, which had fallen to approximately 1 percent of the total in the 1980s, more than doubled to over 2 percent by the end of the 1990s" (Michaels, 2006). The introduction of the imputation system "in which part of corporation tax paid is treated as a pre-payment of personal income tax" has exacerbated the inequality (Michaels, 2006). Early Redistribution Activities Australia government depended on three redistribution methods: "the progressivity of the taxation system; the distribution of government cash payments; and the absolute level of government in-kind and cash payments" (Robinson, 2007). "From 1910 to 1940 per capita levels current of Australian social expenditure in 1911 prices rose 208% substantially more than Butlin's estimate for GDP growth in 1911-39 of 48%. The introduction of aged pensions, the maternity bonus and repatriation services saw the Commonwealth take a leading position in overall social expenditure, in particular cash payments to individuals, but the states remained dominant in the delivery of in-kind services, particularly education and health and NSW from 1927 introduced widows' pensions and child endowment" (Robinson, 2007) Australian government has given much in terms of pension and reparation. Excluding the NSW widow pensions, pension and reparation became the government's responsibility in which the distribution is "allocated per capita among the census category of Pensioners as identified in the census" (Robinson, 2007). There were also in-kind government services which is composed mainly of health and education and administered by the state in proportion to their population (Robinson, 2007). The government also resported to cash payments, although it covered only a small
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
American Economic Association Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
American Economic Association - Assignment Example Others are from state, local and federal government. The organization publishes articles on applied economics, macroeconomics, microeconomics and economic policy. The organization normally hold three days annual meeting with other related organization in which they discuss various factors of economics (American Economic Association 1). Under macroeconomics, the organization focuses on studies concerning growth, aggregate fluctuations and functions of policies. According to Baumol & Blinder, the organization also carries out research and interacts with other fields like industrial organization, monetary theory, finance, labor economics, international economics, public finance and development economics (American Economic Association 1). The organization also studies economy-wide phenomena like Gross National Product and effects on national income. It also addresses changes in unemployment, price levels and rate of growth. For example, under macroeconomics, the organization studies the decrease and increase in net exports and its effects on a country’s capital account. The organization provides fundamental tools for various finance professionals and economists (Atif & Trebbi 14). It also sets the stage for growth, progress and revision of existing
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Community assessment and analysis part ii Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Community assessment and analysis part ii - Essay Example The drug abuse problem can be addressed through the establishment of rehabilitation and counseling centers where the affected individuals can receive quality care. Nurses in the region can come up with mobile counseling projects which should cater for all people affected, regardless of their ethnicity. To deal with the problem of ineffective protection, there is need to set up programs that will ensure that the people of New Orleans have access to healthy food. Nurses, community workers and the area’s leaders should combine efforts in ensuring that vulnerable groups get nutritional services and that children who need vaccination to boost their immune systems can get it without a problem. Since most of the infrastructure in New Orleans was destroyed following hurricane Katrina, the hospitals are not sufficient for all people living there. It is the responsibility of healthcare providers, including nurses, to avail healthcare services to the people in any way possible. Mobile clinics can be established to ensure that people who cannot access healthcare facilities get the medication they need. Through the mobile health clinic program, more people will be able to have their illnesses treated and it will be possible for them to get back to their lives, thus reducing the cases of anxiety and stress that came after
Monday, October 14, 2019
Virtue ethics Essay Example for Free
Virtue ethics Essay Character-based ethics A right act is the action a virtuous person would do in the same circumstances. Virtue ethics is person rather than action based: it looks at the virtue or moral character of the person carrying out an action, rather than at ethical duties and rules, or the consequences of particular actions. Virtue ethics not only deals with the rightness or wrongness of individual actions, it provides guidance as to the sort of characteristics and behaviours a good person will seek to achieve. In that way, virtue ethics is concerned with the whole of a persons life, rather than particular episodes or actions. A good person is someone who lives virtuously who possesses and lives the virtues. Its a useful theory since human beings are often more interested in assessing the character of another person than they are in assessing the goodness or badness of a particular action. This suggests that the way to build a good society is to help its members to be good people, rather than to use laws and punishments to prevent or deter bad actions. But it wouldnt be helpful if a person had to be a saint to count as virtuous. For virtue theory to be really useful it needs to suggest only a minimum set of characteristics that a person needs to possess in order to be regarded as virtuous. being virtuous is more than having a particular habit of acting, e.g. generosity. Rather, it means having a fundamental set of related virtues that enable a person to live and act morally well. James F Keenan, Proposing Cardinal Virtues, Theological Studies, 1995 Principles Virtue ethics teaches: An action is only right if it is an action that a virtuous person would carry out in the same circumstances. A virtuous person is a person who acts virtuously A person acts virtuously if they possess and live the virtues A virtue is a moral characteristic that a person needs to live well. Most virtue theorists would also insist that the virtuous person is one who acts in a virtuous way as the result of rational thought (rather than, say, instinct). The three questions The modern philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre proposed three questions as being at the heart of moral thinking: Who am I? Who ought I to become? How ought I to get there? Lists of the virtues What would a virtuous person do? Â © Most virtue theorists say that there is a common set of virtues that all human beings would benefit from, rather than different sets for different sorts of people, and that these virtues are natural to mature human beings even if they are hard to acquire. This poses a problem, since lists of virtues from different times in history and different societies show significant differences. The traditional list of cardinal virtues was: Prudence Justice Fortitude / Bravery Temperance The modern theologian James F Keenan suggests: Justice Justice requires us to treat all human beings equally and impartially. Fidelity Fidelity requires that we treat people closer to us with special care. Self-care We each have a unique responsibility to care for ourselves, affectively, mentally, physically, and spiritually. Prudence The prudent person must always consider Justice, Fidelity and Self-care. The prudent person must always look for opportunities to acquire more of the other three virtues Good points of virtue ethics It centres ethics on the person and what it means to be human It includes the whole of a persons life Bad points of virtue ethics it doesnt provide clear guidance on what to do in moral dilemmas although it does provide general guidance on how to be a good person presumably a totally virtuous person would know what to do and we could consider them a suitable role model to guide us there is no general agreement on what the virtues are and it may be that any list of virtues will be relative to the culture in which it is being drawn up.
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